Page 52 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 52

                                  MOUSE  DEliVERY.
                               (XYNGSTO.N  AND  LOWER ST.  ANDIUlW.)
            Correspondence is delivered by carriers in all parts of the City of  Kingston, ln·
           eluding Smith's Villl}ge, Hannah Town, Campbe!J  Towt4 Franklw Town,·Brown's Town,
           Passmore Town, the )lortherv limits of Arnold Road and South Oa.rnp Road, includiof(  the
           Goodwill Lands, and to the east of the city~ far ss Kensington Road, four times daily,
           vis., 8.30 s.m.,  10.30 a.m,  1.30 p.m, und 4.15  p.m.
             Correspondence  is delivered  in  Lower St.  Andrew  oa  below:-
             From H.u.l' WAY 'l'REI!l Post  Office at 8.30 a..m. and 2 p.m.
             Noa'I'H-Mary  Brown's Comer on the Constant Spring Road and  the road  leading
           to King's House.
             Sou'J'H-Oxford Road, not wcluded.
             EAST-Matildo.'s Oorner and Hope Roud, from Ohrist Oburoh.
             WssT-Carrisbrook on Hagley  Park  Road, Molynes  Road  to  junction  with  Tarrant
           Lane, Old Pound Road and Lyndhurst Uoad w jUllction of Retirement Road, aDd" Nesby
           Court," Red Bills Road.
             From Caoss RoADS  Post Office at 9. 15a.m. aud 2 p.m.-
             Noam-From  Cross  Roads  Post  Office,  ~ong Caledonia  Avenue,  up  to  .Hatf.w~
           Tree  and Hope Road to Oxford  Road,
             Soum-Torrington  Bridge  and Slipe  Pen  Road.
             EAsT-M arescswt Road.
             Wl!lB'l'-From Oro8S  Roads, along Retirement Ro11.d  to corner of Lyndhurat Road aud
           Old  Pound  Road,  including  Brentford  Road.
             From .loNEs PEN Post Offioe at 9.3o,,~.rn. and 1.30 p.m.-
             NoRTB- Penn Street (ooL included).
             SovTB-Burnett Lane and Girling Street.
             EA.ST-CrAig 'Town  Gully.
             WEs'l'-Trench Pen (not included).
             From WrNDWA.Rll RoAD Post  Office at 9 a .m. and 1 p.m.-
             NonTB-Langston  Road.
             Sovora--Sea Front.
    Mountain Roa.d,
             WEsT-Keosington Road  (not inclut.led),
                            TDAJM  P05T  OFFICI':  SERVICE.
             Limited train Post Offices are on  the  through  line  between Montego Bay
           and  Port  Aotonio  where  postage  stlUI!ps,  eto.,  xna,y  be  bought  and  telegraph  forms
           obt•ined.                                                          :1
                         REDIRECTION  OF  COI?I?f:5PONOENCE,       ,          ~
             Any postal packet may be re-directed to the same addret-see at another addrCEI! either   !!
           by  an officer ot the .Post O.ffice or by an ag~;nt of t.Le addrel!st:e &iter delivery.   2
             '!he lee for  deloi.llio~ and delherin~ in .Kin~stun, pucket leUE<rs adcJreeud  to  Diel:riet   2
           P  ot>t  Offices.  or for  detaining a.nd  re-directing such  letters  to any  other postal addrt>Et   2
           le ls. for each service.                                           2
                       APPU CATION5  FOR  RECALL OF LETTED5.
             No letter,parcelor other postalpackl::t can, when once it has been posted  n Office   2
           receptacle or accepted !or tran~IlliEBion at a  Fost Cffice,  be tal<en out of  the post,  even   2
           if application be UlAde Cor  it by a  person ~ ho can prove rlm~ .be is the ae.nder, without
            the authority o! tbe Governor.  N or ciUllt be- detained or delayed at tbe Etmder'a request;   11
           lt must be forwarded to ita addreli8and oaunoi be diverted to any ot.Ler address.
                         PRIVATE LETTER  60.\ES AND  6AG5.
             Private letter boxes, available for  the subscribers'  use frolll  7 a.m.  till 5.30 p.m.  on
           week days (and ulso for two or three hours after t.he arrivsl of in1portant O\'ersea mails)   u
           may be rented for 12s.  a  year at th~:~ l'ost Offices  of Kingston, Fort Antonio, Montego   1J
           Bay and Mandeville.
             :Private bags.-By peuni;~~ion o( the Postmaster /or Jamaica any person ma.y  have hiiJ   b
           letters conveyed by hi8 bearer to and from t.he Post Office in a 11rivate bag upon payment   11
           of  an  &Illlllal  fee  of  one  guinea.  'The bag to be lock,ed,  one key  beiug .kept by the
           Poetmaeter and one by the owner of the bag; the bag to  be provided hy the owner.
             When a  private letter bag is conveyed  by  a  mail  contractor a  further  llllnual fee  o{   rt
           one guinea is to be paid.  These fees mUilt  be paid in advAnCe through the  Postmaet.«
           tor Jamaica.                                                       •11
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