Page 55 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 55

TELlllG RA.PHS.                    63

      India  &  Panama  Telegraph  Co. ";  per  word  Austria,  3/;  Belgium,  2/8~;  Canada  1
      according  to  location,  1/6  to  2/1;  France,  2/8~; Germany,  2/9!:  Great  Britain  and
      Ireland, 2/4.; United States, according to loaation, 1/6 to 2/1.  Continental rates subject
      to fluctuations.                            ·
        "Via Bermuda-Ma.reom" to Great Britain and  Ireland, 2/2 per word.
        DtJferred.-To all  points  mentioned  above at balftbe rates  quoted.  These messages
      must be in plain language and must bear  the prefbc.
        LOO  (language of country of origin),  LCD  (language of  «!011Dtcy' of dispatch) or
        LCF (French)  which  is  charged  for  anrl signt>lled  AS  the  fi.rst  word  in  the address·
      Such messages must not contain code words in the te.-ct. though registered cable adJresses
      may be used.
        IV••(:-&·d.-Unit.ed  Kingdom nnrl Ireland, t 1/Q.  for 20 word:<  (mirumum)  and 7d.  for
      each additional word;Unitcil Stl\les, Canad11 11.nd Newfoundland, tor 20  words,  7/6  to
      10/10; for each additiou~!  word,  4id. to 6!d., nccording  to  loca.tiou.  Rates  to  other
      countries on application.
       Tbe prefix ''W.L.T.," which is counted aud c:harged a.s one word, must be written 11<1  the
      first  word for the address.
        These  cables  mUst  b~ written  entirely  in  plain  language,  tuul  must reach  the  Cabla
      Company's Office  in l\ingston before  closing hour on  Saturds.y,  t1nd are  deliverable  on
      the Moodily morning following.
        ALL BRITISH  Roll'I'E  TO  THE  B.W.f.-The  "All  British" cable  to the  British  West
      Iodi~s is  open.  Messages for  tbis  route should  be  routed  "Via  D.W.l.  Cable Co.
      Ltd."  Rate 1/3 per word  oo  British West ludio.n  [slands  only.  Deferred messages 7!d.
      per 'Word.
        Public telephone e&ll offices htLve been eStf1bli.o;ned  >lt Cm3s  Roads aud  R~IC-wl.l.y Tree
      PJ>t Office.>.  The fee  it~  2d. for a conversation not Cl(Ceeding three minutes.
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