Page 50 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 50

48                    POST  OFFICE  GUIDE.
           e.t the" deferred" rate (1/2) per word.  Every word in  the telegrllul has to be paid for;
           in the of a "deferred" telegram,  the instruction " L.C.O." is chArged  as one word,.
          and the word  "Postmaster'' has also  to be sent i.n  every case  &nd  must be  paid for.
           Ftuther details may  be  had  from  the Chief M .0.  Office,  Kings~n, or from  Pllol'oohia}.
                              POSTAL  ORDERS.
            J.mou,nl8 of p~tu'nd-I(Je.-Postal Orders are .sold and uMhed at all P<lst Offices in Jamaica,
          and  in  the countries marked with au asterisk  (*)  above.  These orders are printed on a
          paper  beariog an  "all-over'  wat.ermark  consil!tiuq or  tlte Royal  Cipher-a  crOI\'11  ,.otl
  letters G. \' R., and they meaaure sli~htJy less than 7 in.  in length.
            The commissions charged on orders issued are as follows:-
                 A.t 6d., ls., la. 6d., 2s., 2s. lkl.            ld.
                 At &., 3s. 6d., 4s. Od., 5s.                    1}d.
                 M~M                                             M
                 At 8a., 10s.                                    2~d.
                 At 20s.                                         4~d.
            P(l8tm;e SI!I.trlp8  Affixed 1(1 Postal Orde1s.-1'he sender of a  postal order, whether made
          p11oyable  in  the  Uuited  Ki~dow or elsewhere  (  Canada),  me.y  iucreaae  its
           vlllue  by e.n  amount not e.xoeeding 5d. by a.fl.i>  postage ste.mps  not  exceeding twt>
           in  number  to  the fac:e  of  the order.  No credJt will be given  for stamps which are in
           excess of  two or which are affised elS6where  than in the  spaoes  provided.  Odd h.alf.
          pence  ~vlll  nol  be  paid.  Stalllps  per(Qrated  with  or ,marlcJ,  or  embo6sed  or
          impressed  stamps  cut out  or  envelop<::~,  post cards,  &c.,  cannot  be  accepted  for  this
            P&riod dm•ino  which Orders are  payalll,.-lf an order be not paid wiLhin three wonbhs
          from  the laat day of  the month  of  il!l.u~:,  ~< corwnission ec.tual  to  the original poundaga
           will  be obarged.  The commission  thU!I  mu~t be alfuced  in postage sts.m,PS  to  the
           back o[ the order.  Postal orders which are not presented for payment within six months
          from  the last day  of  the month of issue are  not  paid until reference  has been made to
            F'illino in oj Order.-The  rrurohaser or a posto.l order must, before parting with it, fill
          in the narne of the person to wb(lm the atnount ia to be paid,  and is recommended  to fill iu
          the name of the office of payment as a precaution in caae the order should be lost or stolen.
           l£  the purchaser does not bow which Post Office is most convenient to the payee, he
          should insert the name of the  to1vn,  village or district  where  the payee resides.  The-
          order will  then be paid at any Post 0£Goe in the place named.
            Co-t4'}oi~.-Every person to whom a postal order is issued should tear off and retain
          t.he oounteri'oil.  Its production will facilitate iuq,uiry if the order should be lost.
            Mi8Cllrri~ge (lr  loss.-The Postmaster caw1ot  undertake  to consider  e.ny  applicat.ion
          respecting  a  postal  order  which  has miscarried,  or which  has  been  lost or destroyed,
          unless the cow•terfoil be produced, and unless proof be given to his satisfaction that~ the-
          name of the payee was inserted in the order before the h()lder parted with it,
            After a  Postal Order has once been paid,  to whomsoever it is paid,  the Postmaster
           will not be liable to any further claim.
            Pavmern J.o  the  potblic.-Before a  postal order i.s  paid  the name of  the payee e.nd  the-
           name of  the offiue of payment. must have been tilled in and the order must be  properly
            Paytn.&nl  thro~gh Bankers.-Il a  postnt order be crossed, payment will only  be made-
           through a  bank; and if the name of a bank be added, payment will only be mad<> through that
            Rcpayrrumt to sender.-The sender of a postal order can obtain repayment or the amount
           (but not the poundage) on presenting the order e.nd the counU:rfoil at the issuing Office.
          If the otde.r hns been crossed for payment turuugb a  bank the sender must first OAntet
           the  crossing  by writing  across the  face of the order the words  ' Please pay  cash" and
          adding his initials.
            Erwmrea,  alterllliO?u,  &c.-If any era.aure or alteration is made, or if the order is cut,
          defaced  or mutilated,  payment  may be  refused.
            Post41 Order8 not n8gotiable.-Postal orders do not, like Bu.ok or England notes represent
           value in  themselves.  If an order is lost or stolen no  person into whose hands it may
          rau,  thro~h hi.msetf  innocent,  is  entitled  to  receive  the  amount  of  the  order.  The-
          rightful owner is alone entitled to caah the order.
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