Page 51 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 51

                            JU:PLY  C0l1PON5.
      !nternat.ione.l  Reply  Coupow are sold  a~ the  Money  Order  Office,  Kin~tou. at; 4d.
     each, and Imperial  H.eply  Coupons at 2;cl.  ·  The former  represe.ot the  pos~e oo
     a single-rate let.tett wutled in nay MUntry <)f tha  Postal  Un.iou, a.ud  the latrrr  the poataR;e
     on a siJ:lgle-rl\1<!  le~ter •nailed tU  any country Hf  tl11;1  British  Gmpire.  Ooupun~ 4rc caahQd
     at  the rate of 21t1. for a  iitl-centime, Md I ~d. tvr tUt  lruped!J.I  nouiJuU.
        POSTAGe  !!ITAI'lP~, PO~T('AIJO.!>, eNVCLOPE.5, WPAPPI:Jl5,  Et<:.
     Po~laoe Slamp.,  of the following  deoomio!ltiona are sold:-
       !d.,  ld.,  1 ~tl.,  2d.,  2,d., 3d.,  4.d.\  6d.,  la., 2s.,  3s.,  5s.,  10s.
       Books containing twelve  ld., six ,d., uud  ~i" l~d.  stamps &re is.:rued, price 28.
       Inland post ca,rrls are sold at !d. eac;h,  Re!Jiy paid at 1d.;  l'flllfi"MM..ional. PQsl  Oardtf
     at 1d.,  Reply p11id,  2d.
       NIJ'Wspapor  wruppers are sold at .d. each.
       Rel}'istered l<!Uer  e>WcLope~ (lineu-liued) bearing u 3d,sLamp embossed on the flap !ol' the
     payment of registration !ee 2d. and post~e lu., are of two sizes and are sold at 3!d. and
     4d. each.
       Judicial Slamps ot the values 3d., 6u.,  ls., 28., 5s., and 8s.  6d. are sold at  all
     Offiees  where  there is  a  demand for them.
       Jmprcs8ed  Slamp~, title deeds Md blank slips a1:e  on sale at all Post Offices.
       QmmM is also ijOld at all Post Offices in id. and Id. packages.
       The following is a  descript-ion,  together with the dates of  issue, of all postage 11tampa
     ln circUia.tlon:-
      nation.        Description.                       Date of Issue.
        id.   King George V.-green                       Nov.  3,  1927
       ld.         Do  -  carmine                        Mar.  15 1  1929
       lid.        Do  -  chocolate   . .     • ,        Jan.  18,  1929
       2d.   King's  Hous-Spaoish Town-indigo and {;lt!W   Feb.  18,  1921
       3d.   Landing of Columbus, 1494.-myrtle-green and blue   do.
       2id.   Return of War Coutiogeut-deep blue  aod blue.   do.
       4d.   Cathedral, Spanish  Towo-brown and deep green   Jan.   1,  1921
       6d.   Port Royal in 1&5S-blnck and blue           Dec.   5,  1922
       9d.   King George V.-marooe                       Mar.  5,  1929
       1/-   Statue of Que!Ul Vil toriu-orange-yellow and red-orunge   Dec.  10,  11120
       2/-   Admiral Rodocy M~ruorial, :Spauish 'l'ol~ll-
               ligltt blue and brown                          do.
       5/-   Scenery ("!die of Wood and Water" -lluenod yellow-ownge  .April  15,  1021
      10/-   Ring George Y.-myrlle-greeu                  May  6,  19\:0
       The  colours  named  above  are  tht• stondard rolours io  1\ hicl, t.he 5ltUrlJlS ste printed,
      as descn'bed  in Stanley Gibbons's cat.alogue ot  1930.
       All postage stamps of the colony are now  being printed on the l.lultiple Crown Scrip~
      (C.A.) water-mark paper.
                             51"AMP vr:rmons.
       The following is a list of vendors o! postage stlimps with their addre.sses:-
       XINGBTON.-W.  M.  Albergs.,  lA  :Kingston  Lane;  S. L.  E.  Auld,  30  West l'arade;
     Alexander Bernard, 92 EMt Street;  J. A. Blai~e, 121 Ornuge ~treet;  Mrs.  T.  E. Erown,
     1 Union  Lane,  Man<iliest~ Square; Miss .M.  F~urtudo, 2 EIIBt  Race Course; MrB.  C. F.
      Forbes,  Hannab  Town;  F.  N.  Hidalgo,  Parade; A.  W.  Gardner  &  Co.,  127  Harbour
     Stree~: Ho Fung, 86 King Street; Jamaiua Times Store, !i-10 :King Street;;:;, M. John..~.
      43  Slipe  .Road;  .Miss  0, Jolwso.n,  1  Hector Street,  Woodford  .Pa~j C.  E.  Li.ndo,  ::il
      Foster  Lane:  Micbael  Lindo,  <J.O  Oran~e ~treet; A. C  Mci\ay, 21  west  I arade;  Mrs.
     0. B.  Oligon,  14  Regent  :,treet;  Chin  Pow,  170  Oranp,o  S1.teet;  Mills  Robert£on,  63;
     Tower  Street;  Ju.mes  Ho  Sang,  tl Dan•es Road,  Woodford  Park;  J.  A.  Stewnt,  21
      Windward  Road:  Miss  T.  TenllYiiOn,  R.  M.  Court's Office;  Pow  Young.  2S  Prince
     Albert Street, Allmau Town; Viuceut W tw 1  :King and North Streets; Y.M .C.A., Hanover
     Street; Mies M. S.  Williama, 1 Kent Lane.
       CoUN'l'RT.-Oscar  Seato.n,  Bavannerla.·Mar;  Titcblield  Hotel,  Port  Autonio;  Rev,
     0. M. Clark, Montego Bay; Cyril Chill, Linatead.
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