Page 53 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 53

                            P05TI:::  DE.STANTE..
       The Poste n.e.~tante or General Delivery is  inteuded  solely for ~b.e IWOOrnmodatlon or
     etrangefSand travellefS and even  ~bey may not  it for  more  thau  three mouthll.
       Letters addressed to ioitinls, or to fictitious  name.;,,  or to a  ebristia.n name without &
     surname are  not  taken  in  1\t  tile Poste  RestQnte,  but are treated  &S  undelivered  and
     returned to aenders,
                  Period of Retention of Undelivered Correapoodence,

              Origi11.           At. Kingston.   f At District Post Offices.
     Places nbroad                Four weeks.        Eight weeks
     Local                        Two weeks:_ ___ __ .:::.::ur:....:.:w..:ee.:::ks=----
      Collecting  boxes to  be fottud at the following  plaees In Kingston and Lower St.
     Aodrew.  (The times at which they  ore cleared are stat.ed  on eaoh.)
      1.  King and 'North Streets    29.  Manchester Square, South Race Coursa
      2,  Colonial Seurotary's Offiee   30.  LaWll n.nd East Streots
      3.  Charles Md Streets   31.  Iranoah Rt. nod Ro$e Lane
      4.  Kingston Gardens           32.  Aruold Road, north of Connolly  Aven .
      5.  Fire Brigade Station       33.  S~udley Pa~lc Road
      6.  Jamaica Club               34.  South Camp Road ffotel
      7.  Torrington Bridge          35.  Maresce.u.~ Road and Club Lane
      8.  All man Town Constabulary Station   3B.  Hope and Oxford Roads
      9. South Camp Road near Nor th Street   37.  Retirement Road near Retirement Pen
     to. Iiighholborn and Laws Streets   38.  Knutsford Park Gate
     11.  Park Lodge                 30.  liin_g's Uouse Gate
     12.  Brown's Town OollBtabulary Station   40.  Bedford Park Gate on the Constant
     13.  Tower St.reet and Elletson Road   Spring Line near Sandy Gully
     14,  Marine Garden~J           41.  Rarbioan Road
     15.  Spanish Town Road and Beeston Street  42.  Papioe Corner
     16.  Pa.rade, by Parish Church   43.  Brentford and Curphey Roads
     17.  Princess and  Elarbour Streets   44.  Grove & CAntral Roads, Kencot Lauds
     18.  Princess and West Queen Streets   45.  Molioes !Wo.d and Ta!'rant Lane
     W.  Jamaiua Times Store         46.  !Iope anu Trafalgar Roads.
     20.  Jubilee Market,  West, Queen S•reet   47.  Beech wood Ave. and ffillfway Tree
     21.  Gardner's, IT arbour Street   Road.
     22.  Orange Rtrt',et and Port Royal Street   48.  Penn and Rodney Streeta, (Admiral
     23.  Orange and Charles Streets    Pen).
     24.  Franklin To1vn Police Station   4!1,  Spanish Town Road and Old Pound
     25.  Smith Village, Percy and Welliugt.ou Sts.   Rou.d.
     26.  Camp bell Town, Liverpool tt Hampton  50.  Constant  Spring  Rou.d  and  Four
        Streets.                       lloads   .
     27.  WMdford Park              51.  Ma.ry  Brown's  Corner,  (Constant
     28.  Duke and Harbour Streets     Spring Road).
      Collooting  boxes  have  also  been  erecter!  in  Savaun~~o-la-Mar,  Port  Antonio  and
     Montego Bay.
      Till':  Governr:n~nt Telegraphs are under the  control  of the Postmaster for Jumaiea.
      The charge for telegrams throughout Jl\.rnaita is ninepeoce for an}'  number  of words
     up to twelvet and 4 half-petm:v for every adilitioaal word.  'l'he address and aiguature
     Loth countea.  The obat'h"e  is p~~oid in postage stl\mps affbced  to the message.
      If the addressee reside  within  one mile of the terrninal offi••c  the telegram is delivered
     by  messan"er  without IUJ.Y  a<lditional  charge;  but if  heyood  that limit  the  following
     porterage iee must he prep!iid :-
      a.  At the rat.e of C)d.  per mile (one wa.y)  counting from  boundary of free delivery.
      b.  IC delivery by horse messenger is required ut the rnte of 1/ per mile (one way) c:ounting
     from the Offil'e.
      The  above  rtltes  are  maint.ained  who11ever  practica.hle.  1f mes..qengers  cannot  be
    obtained  at  these  ratas the Postmistress is  authorised  to  multe  r.he  most  tei\SOnablc
    arrangement, possible.
   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56