Page 49 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 49

MONEY  ORDERS                       47
                           MONEY  ORDERS.
        Money Orders are it~Sued  at the  Bead  Office  Kingston,  and  at the  Post  Offices  of
      the capital or e~oh parish.  Applications  for  mo'ney  orders nddru..<sed  to the PoetmiiBfler
      for Jamaica. or to a  Postmaster  are free of postage.   (The registration fee of 2d. must,
      'however, be prepaid)
        The commission  on  money  orders  drawn  on  the  United  Kingdom,  United States,
       Canal  Zone,  Canada,  ancl  any  other  country  except  tbose  named  in  the  following
       sentence is S.l)(pence for  the  firsL  £  1\nd threepence Cor each  additional  £  or fractional
       part.  The commission on Money  Orders drawn on  Trinidad, Barbados, .British Guiana,
       'Windward  and  Leeward  lgJa.nds,  Turks Island,  Ca.yu1an  Islands  Bermuda Bahamas,
       nnd  British  Honduras,  is  sixpellce  for  first £2 11nd  two  pence for ettch additional £  or
       fractional piU't.
        The  limit  amount  tor  money  orders  druwu  on  United  Kingdotll,  Cost.a  Rica,
       B~.~rbados, Trinidad, British Guiaua, the Wind" art!  Islands, the Leeward  Ialands, British
       Honduras, Bermuda,  Baba.ruas, Tu.rks Island and Cayman Islands is .£40,  and  on United
       States of Allltlrica. Ca.nad&, Canal Zone aud Philippine Islands, $lOO  or £20 Ss.  2d.
        No application can  be entertained for compen~ation for alleged injury from  the non-
       payment of a  money order at tue expected time.  \\hen a  money  order is  applied  for
       it,  must be on the cle~>r understanding thut no sueb claim  will be nllowed, and that the
       Post Office is not liuble, under any circumstanr.ea, to more than one payment of a money
       order,  even when,  notwithstanding the preoa.utioDB  that !!.re takeu,  tbe  order has been
       paid to a  person  not entit.led to  receive the lJloney.
        Re-payment to the remitter of a money order  cannot  be made until  the chief office
       of  the  p&ying  country has  been  communicated  with; and applications £or  re-pa.yment,
       t>hould  be aecumpanied by  a sum equal  to  the 01"1Qlnal  commission  on  the order.
        A Through Money Order Exchange also existll  between  Jamaiua a.nd certain  British
       colonies and foreign  countries  \oia  t,J:ie  United  Kingdom.  Rucb  tluough  money  order
       .<Ire subject 011  payment to a deductiou of two pence for each £1  with a minimum o.barge
       of four-pence.  The full name and address of the payee of a  through money order m us
       be given  to eoable the Chief  Money Order Office,  London,  to  forward to the  payee  a
       money order !or the net amount payable, the money order issued  to the remitter being
       only of  value 118  a re'ceipt for  the amount p!Ud and ahould be retained by  the remitter .
       The  )oliuwirty  i$  a  partial  Lisl  of  Rriti~tft.  Cnl(lm:IM,  Proli1Clrrr«t6a,  a11d  Po~tlal  Ag~ncie~t
          abroad and oj th,,  Principal Pormnn Cotmtrie& to u•hich  M on11y Ordcr11 ma11 bfl  ~11'111.  (I).
        ~Antigua, •Bahamas, •Barbados, Belgium,  •Bermuda, •flr!tish Gniann, •British Hon·
       dnrll8 "'British Posae83ions in Africa,•CI\narla  (Dominion  oO,  (~) IJ&n&l  Zone,  tcape
       or  Good  Hope  (Province  of),  *Ce.yman  hlo.nds,  *Ceylon~ China -*(a)  British  P.O.
       Agencies,  (b)  Japanese  P.O.  Agencies,  Costa  Rica,  Cuoa,  Cnracao  (Dutch  West
      1ndies),  •cyJ1rus,  Danish  W.  lndies  (now  V~rgin  Islands  of  the  United  States),
       Delllllark,   Domjnica,  "Egypt,  *Federated   Mn~·  States,  *Fiji,  Fra.nce and
       Algeria,  *Gibraltar,  Greece,  *Grenada (W. Iod.),  Hawaii  (Sandwich  Js.),  Holland,
       llondu.rss  (Republic  of),  "Hong  Kong,  *lno.gua,  -India,  Italy,  Japan,  Luxemburg
       (Grand Duchy of)<  Madagascar, Madeira,  *Mruta, '*1\llo.uritius,  *Mesopotamia, Mexico,
       (United  States of),  •Montaerrat,  -Morocco,  Netherlands,  •Nevis,  *Newfoundland,
       New  South  Wnl~  •New Zealand,  *Ni~eria, Nonvay,  *Palestine (Occupied  Territory),
       Panama (Brit. P.O.), PhiUppino Islaods, Porto  Rico,  Portuga~  (including  t.he  Azores
       and Madeira). QueeMland,  Russia,  •st. Helew.~o.  ·~t. Kitts,   St. Lucia,  •st.  Vincent,
       •'leychelles, ~iam.  •Rierra  Leone,  *Sincrapore,  South  Australia,  .. Straits  Settlements,
       •Sudan,  Sweden,  ""~herland, '"Tasmania.,  ••t'oba~  'Tortota,  '"Trinidad,  -Turk; and
       Caieos Islands, United  Cltates  of  America,  Victoria. (.A.ustralia),  *Virgin Island$ Britisl1),
       Virgin  lsl&nds of tbe  Unif.ed  Rt!\tes,  West  Australia.
                            Telegraph :-lonc:y Orders.
         The gystcm of TelegTaph Money Ordel"€ i.a  in  operation between  the United Kingdom
       and  Jamaica.  The remitter or a Telegraph Money Order is tequired to pay, in addition
       to the M .0. commission, the cost of the Telegram of Advice at the ordina.ry  rate  (2/4)  or
         (1)  For complete list of plaeea in which Money Orders are issued and paid, see latest
             edition  of London Postal Guide.
         • British Postal Orders are also issued and paid in these countries, see " Postal Orders.''
         (2)  British Postal Orders are paid at certain  offices  in Canada, bu~ are not ittued in
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