Page 8 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 8

8'                  POST  OFFICE  HANDDOOK.

        3.'  No public officer  will  be permitted  to  make  use  of  any stamp  for  fra nking letters
      or  to frank  letter&  '1\'ithout  the authoritv  of  the Governor.
        4.  Heads of Department& nod  all  postmasters ·must ex()rcise  ..:ip:ilance'tu  prevent  any
      abuse of the franking privilege, and any e\·nsion  or t~t.tcmpt to abuse  ~he privilege or any
      departure from  the Rules, must be reported,  with full  pnrticulars, to the Colonial Secre·
      tary  or  to  the  Postmaster for J:unaica.
        li.  The franking of envelopes, &c., either by means of the franking stamp or by signa~
      ture,  is strictly  forbidden,  unless  the  envelopes,  &c.,  contain  ll.t  the  time  of franking,
      the ollicial  corrcspondcucc or matter to be trnnsmittcd  through the post, subject to the
      following exception, namely:-  .                            '
        That any written or printed matter properly issued iu a  fmnked envelope or CO\'ering
      for circulation among members of a  Board or any  body of individuals,  and for ultimate
      return to the office  of issue,  may be passed  from  one member of such  board or body  to
      another in an envelope or covering pro\·ided for the purpose and duly franked in  advll.nce
      by n duly nuthori1.ed officer.
       N.B.-Ail Registered  letters addressed  to the above-named officials must be·
      prepaid with the registration fee of Two  pence.
                    STRCtT  AND  RAILWAY  LE:TTE:R  BOXE:S.
       Letter  boxes are  t.o  tt~  found nt  the  following  places  in  l\in~sion nnd  Lower  St.
      Andrew.  (The times at  which  th~y Are  clear~d are sin.t<•d  on each).
      1.  King n11d  North S trrr.ts   22.  Smit.h  Villngc, Pcrcy nnd Wdlington  St.s.
      2.  Colonial Secretary's Ollice   23.  Camp hell Town,  J.ivcrpool nnd Hampton
      3.  Chnrlcs and ~tn•cts     . Streets.
      4.  IGngston Gardens         24.  Woodford Park
      li.  Fire Brigade Station    25.  Duke n.ud  Hnrbour Streets
      6.  Jamaica Club             26.  l\Ianchester Square, South Race Course
                                   2i.  Laws and Enst Strl.'ets
      7.  Torring:ton Bridge       2~. Hnnnnh St. nnd Rose Lane
      8.  Allman Town Constnbulary Station   29.  Arnold Rond,north of Connolly Avenue
      9.  South Camp Itond  nrar North Street  30.  Studley Park Road
                                   31.  South Camp Road Hotel
      10.  Ilit:hholborn & Law&  ~trcct.~   32.  l\lnrcscnux Rond and Club I,ane
      ll.  Pnrk l.ntlgc             ::13.  Corner of Hope Rond and Oxford Road
      \1,  l\r.wn·~ TIIWI\ r .• u~hlhllbry i'l:llinn   ~·1.  H!'lirrm!'nl TI!'nrlHrnr Tirtirl.'mrnt Pro
      13.  Tower ~~.n~ct & Ellctson  ltond   35.  Enul.sforc.ll'nrk Gnte
      14.  Marine Gardens           3G.  1\:ing's House Gate
      15.  Sp1~11iRh Town H.onu  nn•l  1\ccskm !-'t  3i.  BcclfurJ  l'nrk Gate m1  the Con~lnnl
      16.  Parade, by Parish Church     Srring Line nenr Snndy Gully
      1 i. Princess &  Hnrbour :-;t~.   38.  l3:~rbicnn Road
      18.  Princcaa and WcRL  Q•J<'cn Street;;   39.  Pnpinc Corner
      Hl.  Gnrdncr'a, Hnrbour ~l.rcct   40.  Brentford and Curphey Roads
      ~0.  Ornn~e and  Charles St reet..~   41.  Grove nnd Central Roads,Kencot Lands
      21.  Franklin Town Police St:ltion   42.  j\lnline~  Hoad &  T:~rr:mt Lnnc
        Letter  Boxes  have  been  nlao  erected  nt  all Railwnv  Stn.tions  in  the  Island.  These
       'boxca nrc cl<:t~rct! t-en  minulcs before the dcpn.rt nrc of passcn~cr
       .  P .... cngor& 011 nll tmins may post  letters in  the  posting boxes  provided  for  the pur-
       ~ ..
       .   .                  TllAIN  I'OST  OP'PICES.
        i,rra1JfP.0:i nrc  mn.inlniw~t!  on the  ti1rnugh  tr:tins  bt,twecn  1\lonl<'g:O  Bn~·  nnd  Port
       Aa\ozaio,·whcre posta~~:c ~l111np~, pnst-cards, and wrn.ppcrs mny be hought, nml tclt't::rnph
      'lOIJIIIOhlllln"'l; .. ·                                .
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13