Page 6 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 6

          5.  l'<o  compensntioo  for losP  i&  ~h·eo io respect o( no  enveiCipe cont.ninint; nnytbiug oot
        legnlly tr:lllsmissible by post, or an  eo,·elope not posted io  the mnoner prescribed; or iit.
        respect of ~,;11\Ss,  crockery,  gr~~s. liquids  or semi-liquids,  colour!og ' po~·ders, eggs,  fish,
        meat, r ruit.  or vegetables, sent b.-· Letter  I'o~t   ·   · · ·   ·
         G.  No compensation  is :;h·en for injury or drunnge consequentin.l  upon-i.e., iutlirectly
        a.risin~; from-the loss of  nn~·thiu; sent by  po~t.        .
         i .  Without preJudice  to any of tile  precctlin:; rules.  the Postmn.J>ter  for  .J:unni•~a  will
        if he thinks fit, refuse  to :;h·e ~ompensation (or loss uo  nny ground on ~·hich a  common
        carrier  mi~::ht io like cnse claim exemption lrom legnl liabilitie!!
         R.  The firllll  dcci~ion IIJlOD  nil  question~ ol curnrnn~ntion rl~~ts with  th~ I'o~LIIIIIRI('r lor
         0.  !11  these ltui<'R  !he  tl'rm  "money"  tnC:IIIS·-(1\) Coin.  (b)  1':-.pcr mout!y.
           The t.crrn "coin'' means coins  of  :.11  kind~ whcthor  ••r  unt  c:urrunt  iu  .laruaicn  or
            el~cwhcre.  The  term  "p:~pcr money"  rnenns  Notes  of the Coloninl Bnnk. D:-.nk ·
             ol :No~·a Srotia, or .Ho~· a I Ban!: of C:~nndn or o( nny  bnnk  of  issue in  the  United
            Kinl!clom,  nnd • nntc~  curr<'nt  in  :~n~·  Fort:i~:n  Rt.'ltc  or  nriLh•h  )'ussc~:~ion,
            lllt)llry  onlt:rs  nncl  post:~!  orclcrs.  uru>l>litcrnle·l  JI:!::SI:ol!e  '""!  rcvcu11c  :ol::r 11 ps,
            Exchequer  bills.  bauk  p<os: loills. bills  ol  exclmn~e.  promissory  no~cft.  cheques,
            crerlit  notes  n·hich  entitle  the  holder  to  rnuney  or  r,oocls.  and  nil  ortlc·r~  and
            authoritit:s  for  thl'  pn::m~nt  of  money,  wl•cther  n~~otiahle  or  nut.  bonds.
            coupons, and SP.curitics ior money,  whether  nc~;utinble or uot.

         Tire  sen:ler  ni  rc;:i;te:c:l  ~:o~rc:pomle:•cc  moty  nlot.ain  ""  ad:rruwlc l;:rm:nf.  u(  its
       receipt 1.1~·  the audres<ce on  p3yme:tt  of :Ill extra fee  uf 2cl.  irr  audition  l.<o  ot!:er cl:3rges.
                        OF'FICtAL  CORRESPO N DENCE.
         List  of  Officials nntl  other  Puulie  Funr.ticn:1rics  whu  s~ud nncl  rc:ccivc  ulikial  eurrcs-
       pondence t hrough the post free of chnr~e:-His Exc~llency the Covcrnt)r, the Governor's
       Priv:-.t<'  ::>t•'·  and  .\.D.C ..  Ctolouinl  ~rrt•l.'lr.\'.  ,\$si~t.'lut Coloninl  Sr.crt:I.My,  Adju-
       t:~.nt  .l:uunic:l  ~liliLi:J..  Atlrniaistr:.:ur  t:cuN~Ii.  ,\nalytic;ll  Clwmi~:t, Att<~rucy Gr.rwrnl,
       Auditor Ccncr:tl. Chairru:1n ol th~ Bt':lnl of ::;upcfl•isinn, Chid .Justice,  Clerk LcJ:isbtivc
       Council. Clerk Vict.ori:-. Jubilee I!n~;:>ic~l. Collector Ccucral, CCIIIector~ ol Customs  1\:ing-
       stou aut! Outports. Colb·tors Cif T~X<'S :u:d :\5si~l.:lut Collc('.tors. Cn•n·11 SuliciLor,  Custodes
       oi  Pari~loes. Dirccto• of :\ftti~ult!:rc.  Director of Education. l>irecl.or  ul  Puulic  ""urks,
       Dirr.ctor  of .lam:ticn  Go•·e~11ntcnt  I'·.  GCiverruncnt  Electricd  Inspcc:t.<>r,  Harhour
       l\lastcr. Eiu~ston. Iuspcctor G~c!:·~:d of Police an<i  )'risous, luspcctnr!" ol Polic-e,  Inspec-
       tors of !::ch>Jols,  K~epcr IJ(  ne~orci~ :lllU  Deputy  1\t:cp~r.  ?lfan:l~Cr C:ovcrmncnt sa,·iu;;s
       Bank,  l'arochi:!.l  Tr<:nsurers.  !'ostn::lslcr  for  Jnrn:~.k:1, Principal  of  ~awrtwood  College,
       Protector  of  Immigrants,  Pui;ne  Jml~<'S.  Hrr,isl.rnr  Gencr:d  of  Birl.hs.  Dt::-.ths  and
       )!:~.rr!:>::<'S. P..c;:istr:tr  of  the .:.: ·;; •:~:::-' C'..··J:·t.  Hc·!!istrnr  ul Titic·s.  llcsid'.'nt  i\fa;:istr:~tcs,
       Se!'rct:try  J.\(lnrd  oi  F.durn.riu:-.,  ::O,·~:!·:~ry  Ho:1nl  ol  Supcn·i~ion. ,..;c•cr•:t:~ry  c•J  8chools
       Corn111i~~ion.  Scerel.:1ry  lu~lilul!'  ,,: .l:uu:•ic·:-.,  !'t·o·rcl.nry  J\Jarinr. Hunrcl,  ~•·11iur  l\lt.-Jicnl
       Ofliccr,  J>uhlie  llospit..'ll,  1\iu;:ston.  i5<>1idt~r  Ccnc:-r:J.I,  SLmnp  Curnrni-<Siorwr,  Deputy
       Stamp  Commissinnr.r,  ~upcrint~ntic:uts  Gcnernl  J'cnil.l:ntinry,  Prisons  nod  Rcformn-
       torit•s.  Supcrintcutlin~l\l<'  Ofikcr  :lncl  Dir.trict  i\lc·lic~tl  Oflirc•rs,  Su!•'.'riut.Qntlents
       ol Public Works,  Superintendent  Go•·ernmcnt l'  rJlfic:e,  Supcrintendt•nt  LuMtic·
       Asylum.  Surveyor  G'.'ner:tl,  Trcssurer.  Govcrum•~nt  l\Ictcoroh•.r;iRt  (l\ln.xwt>JI  Hall,
        Es<J.,) Supcrint.crul!\nt  or  I>uhlie  Gnnl~n"  Ollicer  in  char~c of  Colcyvillc  Wire-
        lc:<s  !::t:.t.ion.  the  General  ~I:!U t lli!rcr,  (~:wa l).  Till'  C t•nt•rnl  Officer  Comman<lin~ the
       1'ruops. The D<>pllty  Assisl:lnt  :\ujut:.ut :wtl  C~unrtnr l\lastcr GC!nernl,  The  Command
        Pnymasler,  Th ~ccret::ry .\clvi•nry  B~:::rd  Food  Pro~lur.t.iun,  Scert"t.nril'~  of the  Lnnu
        Hunrtl~. aut! the A!!:rif•ult•rr:~l I..o.1n  Soci<'tirs,  Sc~rct.:1.ry  to the  J'uhlic  Tenders·
        CununitlcC',  the  Yc·rC'  Irric:ntion   Conuni!'.~io!wrs  nntl  thf'  S~>crct..'lr~·  to  the  Vcre
        lrric:ntion  Commissioner!\,  limited  to  correspondence  on  the  bul'inc~s  ol  the  Com-
        mis.•ion  Jlii.'!Sing  lletweco nny one  of  the  Commission and  Lite Secretary.
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