Page 11 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 11

POST  OF'J''CE  HAl'iDJlOOK.          11

         D:~nish W. Indit>s. Darcl:mcllcs, Dcnm~rk nnd  Fnroc Islnml,  Dominicn..  Dutch E. Indics,
         E~typt, F:~lkl:md I~<l:uulll,  F'annin'!  l~!:lnd, Faroc lsl:uads, Fiji,  Finl:~nd, Formoss. Fr:mce
         nud  Ah;c.:l'in,  1-'<.Ycrat.ctl  l\1:11:\y  St:a l~.  Fricmll.'·  hl:uul~. U:,llipuli  Gnrnbin,  Gibrnlbr,
         Gold  Cu~st,,  Grr.ecr.,  Gr<'n:ttl:t  (\V.  ltul.),  llnw:~ii IS:mdwicb  Is.),  Holl:~nd, Hong I\ong,
         lndin, Indian P.O.  As:cncies on  the l'cr~i:ln Gutr,  and  in  TiiJcl,  lbly,  (with Snn ?lbrino·
         nntl  TLnli:\11  lq::cncics on the Hcd  ~C:I nnd in lhe nej!CDCY  or Tripoli), Jnfin, Jnpan, JerU$11•
         lcm,  1\orcn,  i..aj!OS  (Wc.~l Alricn),  J-e\'31\l {The).  Lorcnzo  ?IInrqucs,  .i\'lndeirn,  Mnbccn,
         Mnlb,  I\ bur it ius.  1\litylcnc, 11Iontcnes:ro,  Montserrnt,  Morocco  {Tnns:icr only),  N:~tnl,
         Nothcrlnnds, Kcl'is, Ne\\' llrunswick. Ncl'l'  C:~ledoni:~, Xewloundlnnd, New South Wales,
         New  Zc:~lrmd,  Nigeri!l  {Northern),  .i\i{:eria  (Sontl1ern),  ;-.iort.h  Borneo  (Brit.),  Norl'l':~y,
         No,·n  Scotio,  Ornnsre  River  Colon~·. l':~n:~ann (Brit.  P.O.).  P:~pun, PeMnt;,  Persian  GuU
         (Postnl  Agencies on),  Philirpinc  b ..  Port<>  Rico,  Portu!!nl,  Portu::ucse  Colonies,  Prince·
         Edw:mJ.Js.,  Queensland,  Rhodr;;,  1\h(ld~s.  lthod~~i:~, nourn:min,  Hu~sia, Rt.  Heleno..  St.
         l(itts, St. Lucin, St. Thomns,  (D:~niGh \\. 1.). St. Thnmns 3nd Principz, St. Vincent, Snlo-
         nicn. (British 1'.0.), S.'lh·ndrlr  (ltepuhlir of)  ~crvi:l, f:rychcllcs.  Siaru,  ~icrrn Ltoooe, Sio;:n·
         a  pore,  ~outh Austrnli:~,  S~r3its ;.;,.. tlrmcnts,  ~urin:\m,  Sweden,  ~witzt-rl:lncl.  Ton:;iers,.
         T:)slllnni:~,  'fobn;o, Trnns\':1.11,  Trin;:l~cl,  Tripoli.  Tuni;. Turks  l~l:unls,  Ugnnda Protec·
         tornte, 't'nited SL.'Ites of Aancric~.  l'ru:u~, .• \'ictorin. \'ir:in lsl:mds, West Austrnlio., Yukon
         Znn1.ihar, Znlul:uul.    ·  ·
          The nbo,·e service b:ts been suspccnlcd :o mno~· plncc~ consequent  on the Wnr.

                              TELEGRAPII  MONEY  ORDERS.
          The syst cm or Tcl<'$:r!1Ph l\Ion~.l' Orders is in ope~:\ tilln bet 1\'CCO I he Uoi ted Kingdom :tod
         Jarnnicn.  The  remitter  of  n.  'l'clc~r~ph i\Ioucy Order is re(juired  lo pay, in addition  to·
         the l\I.O. commission, the r.ost of the Tclc)!rnrn of Ad\'ice at  the ordinary rale (:?/G)  or at
         the  "de; erred"  rn.te  (1/;)J  per  word.   E,·cr~· •::or l in  thc Tclec;r~m hns to be paid for:
         in  the en se of n "deferred" Telc:r:un. the iMtruct.ion "l .. C.O." is ch:~rgcd as one I'I'Ord.
         nnd  the \lOrd" Postmnstcr ., h:t~ :tls\) to be ~~nl in e,·ery c~~:! :md must be p:~id for.  Fur·
         thcr details nmy be bnd from  the Chief 1\I.O.  Offi~e,  Kin:;ston  or  irom Parochi31 Tren·

                                • POSTAL  ORD~RS.

          Tit~ on l.1·  Post31  Ord~rs sold  i11  .Jomnico.  nre  British  Post:~! Order~, and  they  1\re  sold
        nt 1111  the  J'ust. Ollir.cs  in  th~ lslnn•l.  They  nrc  a,·:tilo!.le for  usP.  in  the colony  nud  in
        mo6t  pnrt~  of  the  Briti~h  Emrire.   ·

               t\llirl, J s.,  ls. ftrl.,  2.~ .. :!•. li<l.   ~d.
               ,u  i s. tiu.                                 J ~d.

               At Ss.,  10~.                                  2d.
               At 20s.                                        ·!d.

          The s~mlcr of n Postal Order, m:ade p:'l,\':\hlc in  tt.c Uni(.('d Kins:tlom  or  else·
        where  (~X~I'JlLina: C:ua:ul:L).  m:cy  iu,·ro::o~~ it-•  \':due:  J,y  nu  :ur11mnt not exr.<•('(lint:  .'}rl.  by
        nllixinl:  )'.,~too::c  l';t.:unps  nu~ cx<~tdi n~  tlm•c in  UUUII><!r  Lu  the  f:u:<:  uf  Uu:  Order.
        No credi~ will  l>r gi ··en for stnmnl' ·.·:hich 11rc in CXCI'~S of  three or "'hich :are allixcu  <>lsc-
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