Page 13 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 13

POST  OFFICE  HA.NOBOOFi..              13
                              FJLLI:>IG IN  or ono&n.
        The purchaser of a Postal Order must, before pnrtin~; '1\'ith it. fill in the name of the per·
      son to whom the amount is to be paid, nnd is rer.ommended to fill in the nnme of the Office
      of  Payment as a  precaution in cnse the Order should be lost or stolen.  If the purchnser
      does not  know which  Post Office  is  most con,·cnient to the payee,  he should insert the
      name  of the  town, village or district where  the payee resides.  The Order will  then be
      paid at any Post Office in the place named.
        Every person to whom a Postal Order is issued should tear off and retain the counterfoil.
      Its production  will facilitate  inquiry if the  Order should be lost.
                              MISCARntAOE  OR  LOSS.
        The  Postmaster  cannot  to  consider  any  application  respecting  a  Postal
       Order which  has miscarried, or '1\'hicb  has been  lost or destroyed,  unless the counterfoil
       be j)roduced, n.nd unless proof be given to his sn.tisfnction that the name of the payee was
       inserted  in the Order before the holder parted '1\'ith  it.
        After a.  Postal  Order has once been  paid,  to  '1\'homsoever  it is  paid,  the  Postmaster
       will not be liable to any further claim.
                             PATMENT TO  THE  PUBLIC.
        Defore a  Postal Order is paid the name o£  the payee and the name of the office of pay-
       ment must have been filled in and the order must be properly receipted.
                            PAYM&NT TIIROT.JGII  DAN"El\S.
        U  a  Postal Order be crossed,  payment will only be  made  through  n  bnnk ; and if  the
       name of  n b:mk be added, payment will only·be  m~de through that bank.
                              lt£PA1'MEN'f TO SllNJ>Eit.
        The sender of a Postal Order can obt.nin repayment of the amount (but not the pound-
       age)  on  presenting  the  Order and  the  Counterfoil  n.t  the  issuing  Office.  H  the  Order
       has been  crossed  for  payment through a  bank the sender must first cancel  the crossing·
       by  "'riting across  the  face  of  the  Order the words  "Please  pay  c11sh"  and  adding  his
                            ERASUm::s.  ALT£1\ATIOKS,  .~c.
         If nny crnsnrc or n.Itcrntion is made, or if the Onlcr i~ cut, <lefnced, or mutilated, payment
       mny  be  refused.
                           I'OSTAL ORDERS !\OT NEGOTIAIILE.
         Postal  Orders  do  not,  like  Bank  of  En;;bnd  Notes,  represent  vn.lue  in  themselves.
       If nn  Order is lost or stolen  no person into whose lmuds it mn.y  fall,  thou~;h himself inno·
       cent, is entitled to receive the amount of the Order.  The rightful owner i:~ alone entitled
       to cash the Order.
                               REPLY  COUPONS.
         Coupons exchangeable for sl.:l.mps o£ the value of 25 centimes (2~d.) e.' in any country
       participating in the arrangement can be puchased at the Money  Order Office,  Kingston,
       at the  price  of  3d.  for  the  purpose o£  prepayin~: replies  to  letters.  The coupons
       c.1.n  be exchanged by the addressees o£ such letters at the Post Ortice of the phce or desti·
       nation  for  local sl.:l.mps.  The countries nod colonies included in the system are
       indicated by n.n  :~s~erisk • in column 1 o£ the Tnble which appears on pages 39 to 4().
         Coupons received  from other countries may  be  cxch:tngcd  for  postage st.nmps  at  the
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