Page 12 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 12

12                 POST  OF'FlCE  HANDBOOK.
      where than in the spaces pro,·ided.  Odd hnlf-pence will not be paid.  St.amps perfornted
      "'ith initi11ls or marks, or embossed or impre!sed st.'lmps cut out or ennlopea, post-cards,
     .&e.  cnnnot ue accepted fur  this purpose.

       Postal Orders nre  paid  d  o.ll  Po~l Officea 11.orl  Pnrochi11.l  Trensurica in  the Island.
       Dritiab l'  Orders  are  issued and  p:~id in  the  undermentioned British  Possessions
     ·and  other plncea abroad:-
      Aden.               Federnted 11lnlo.y StRtea   New Zealand.
      Andnman Islands.    Fiji.               Nigeria N. 6; S.
      AHcensioo           Gaml>io..           North Dornco (British.)
      Bnhnmas.            Gil>rnltar.         Nyas:~land (B.C.A).       Gold
      Darbndos.           Gren:~d:~.          Orange Free Sl.:lte.
      Basutolaud.         Hong Kon~;.
     'Bechuanaland Protectorate.  India and Indian Post Offi- Panam:1 (British Agency).
     Bermuda.              ces on the Persinn 0'-llf   Pcnrbyn Island.
     Bey rout (British A;ency).   and in Tibet.
      British Bechunnalnnd.   Jamnics.        Rhodesia (K. & S.'
     llritisb Central Africa   Labuan.
     :British Enst Africa.   Lee11·nrd Islands.   St. IIelenn.
     British Guinoa.       Anguilla.          St. Lucia.
     llri tish Honduras.   Antigun.           St. Vincent.
                           Dominicn.          Snlonicn (British Acency)
     •cannda.              i.\Iontscrr:~t..   S:~.rawak.
     Cape of Good Hope     i\e,·is.           S:~.vnge Island
     ·Cayman lslnnds.      St. Kilts.         Seychelles.
     ·Ccylon.              Yirgin Isl:~nds.   Sierra Leone.
     ·Chnthnm Is!!lnds.   !l!nlta.            Smyrna (British Agency)
      China (British Agencies).   !1!1\uritius.   Somnlilnod Protectorat ..
     ·Coust.'\ntiuople (Tlritisb   ;\Iorocco (Uritish Agencies   Str:1its Settlements.
       Agcucy).            :1t  Cas:~blnncn,  Fe1.,  Lnr-  Swuzilnnd.
      Cook blnnds.         ache. ;\!arrnkl·sh, i\I:ua-  Tobn:lo.
      Cyprus.              ~;nn,  ::'l!opdor, Rnb:~t,   Trnns\'A:ll.
      E~ypt (including the   Snfii, Tnnsicr, nnd   Trinidnd.
       SouJnn).            Tctunn).           Turks and C:~icos lslnnd~.
      Fnlldnnd !Mlands.   Kat.'ll             Ug:md&.
      Fannin,:: Island.   3:\e\\·ioundl:md.   Znnzib:u.

                       P£1\100 DUni!-:0 WHICH ORDERS ARE PATADLI::.
        li an ordur l>o nut pnid  11·ithin  three months from  the \n.o;t  dn.y  of the month of issue. a
      t'omro\aaion cqunl  to  the orir;:ioal  J)OIItHln~c will  be chnrged.  The commission  thus pnid
      IDUit be· affixed  in  l' St.Rmps  t.o  the bnck of the Order.  Postal Orders which
      ;DO\ J'll'l*!n~d for }lnyrnc•nt within ~ix rnonths from the dr~y of the month of issue nre
      ~L ~cl unUI rclcnmcc ho.a hccn mndt! to I..outlon.   ·
         .tJititnli ·rO.tal Order. arr p>irl >t ccrt>in Office•  in C•n•d~. but •r: nut i••uectin C2nad2.
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