Page 4 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 4


         rrintcd circulnrs mny be c.lntcd in manuscript or by n. mcchnnicnl proccs.~,· nnd t.he nnme
        nod mldrcss of the sender and of the rer.ipient, a.s well as an indicntion of his trnde or pro-
        fession,  may be ndded.  Corrections and insertions mny be mnde in mo.uuscript or by a
        mccho.nicnl  process in  rcbt.ion  t.o nnmcs 'of  commcrcinl  travellers, c.lntes  of  their  journey,
        lliiU thC.JiJnCC.S  they intend to' visit; the lllllhd tllld'dtllCS Of nrri\•:iJ aiuJ dcpnrture or shi'ps,
       nnmcs or  persons  imited  to  meetings,  and  the pbce,  date, and object of  the  meetings·
       nnd the dnt~ of despatch may be inserted in ndvices of despatch of goods.   '
         On printed visiting  cnrds nnd  Christrnns nnd  New  Yt:nr  cards the nnd  t.itlc of
        the sender mny be written, nnd com·cnt.ioual initials, $Uch as" p.p.c., "as well as good wishes
       congratulntions, thanks, condolences, or ot-her formulas of courtesy, in ench case expressed
       in not more  than  fixe  words.
         Pnckets of Christmlls  and  New  Year  cards  mny  r.ontain  the  relative  invoices.  This
       provision  applies  to books,  newspapers,  music,  photographs and cngmvings,  which  may
       nlso  bear  a  presentation  inscription.
         PT!I\'TERS"' PT!OOF.:;  mny be  corrected  in  manuscript;  additions  which  rel::lt.e  to
       accuracy,  form,  nod  printing run.y  be mnc.le, nnd in  enscof want of  space a.ddit.ionnl  sheets
       mny be  used; the nuthor's  mnnuscript m:ty be  enclosed;  printers'  errors in  other  printed
       documents  mny  nl~o be  corrected,  nnd  fi~urcs may  be  inserted  or  corrected  in prices
       current, tenders  for nd\'erLiscuwnt., t.rndc circulnrs, prnRpccl.n~c~, and st.uc:k and ~;hare list.s.
        In forms of order or subscription for  books,  the works requircc.l.  or o!Tered  runy  be indi-
       cnted . in .manuscript.
        To cuttin~::s from n('wsp:tpers nnd  periodicnl  publicntions  mny  be ndded in manuscript
       or b~· n  mech:lllicnl  proc('S~ the  title, dntc,  number and  o.ddrcss  of  the publicntiou  from.
       '1\•hieh the article is extracted.
        CIT!C.ULATIS '1\'hich  are in  other respects  admissible,  but which are  printed or litho-
       grnphcd in  characters  rcscm?ling  tho.~e of the  typr.wriicr,  ar arc  produced by  means  of any
       mechanica!  woce.~s from.  typc-rcriltcn  originaL~,  'l'oill  be  ndrnit.ted  nt  the  mte  for  printed
       papers. proYidcd  t.hnt.  they are handed in ~t. the Post. Office, t.hnt special attention  is  drawn
       to the fnct that th<.>r  are  printed or reproduced  in type-written  characters,  and  that  at
      )enst. trce/lllf copic.~ are posted  at the same  time.
        The undermentioned  :~rticles !lre c.uludca. from  transmission  at the rate  applicable  to
      printed  papers:-
         l'osl:lge stnmps,  whct.hcr  oblitcrntcd or not, nnJ in general nil  printed  nrticles  con-
        stituting the sign of  a  monetary Yalue.
         Blnnk paper, note p:~pcr or em·elopcs (with or without print-ed address), nod all  other
        :ITtidcR.of .stnt.iuurr.'·. pure .nnd.simple.
        V.  Cnmmcrcial  Papers  comprise nil  papers  or docurnenfs  writ.Len  or  drnwn  wholly  or
      partly by hand (crcrpt. letters  or  communicatio1~S i11  the  nttturc of lclicr~, or ot.hcr  papers or
      documents ha,·inJ!:  the c'Jaracter of an act.ual and personal correspondence) , documents of
      lc;:al·procedurc, Deeds drawn up by public funct.ion:lrics. copies of or extracts from  Deeds
       under private seal  '1\·ri~tcn  on stamped  or uustnrupcd paper,  Way Bills,  Bills  of Lading,
       Invvic(•S,  receipts  for  ;:oods  or  mon~~·. nnd other  documents  of  n  mercantile  chnractcr,
       documents of lnsuranc·c nud ,,;her public  Companies, nll  kiuds of l\bnuscript  1\lusic,
       Mariirscript. of  13ool;s and other  literary works,  letters nnd post-cards oi  old date  which
      have already scn·ed th~ir ori2'inal  purpose, and pupils' exercises either in  original  or with
       corrections, but without any comment ou the work, and other papers of a simibr  descrip-
        The lncnl rMc of pu~!:Lr:c on" Pr!utctl" "ncl on" Cllnuncrcinl" Pnpers is the same. but !or
      foreign  rnail  the rate diiTcrs.  See  p.  3S.
        VI.  Parccls.-Thc  postage  on  a  parcel must  be  fully  prepaid  or  it cannot  be for-
        Under Scnle (1) n  Pnrcel may not exceed  lib. in weight, 2  feet in length nor 1 foot in
      width or depth.
        Unc.ler Scnlc (2) a  pnrcel inr~y not  excPed  lllbs. in weight nor  1,000 cubic  inches  in
       size, !,hrcc feet iu length and 1 foot in width or dcpt.h.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9