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                        Prisoner  o f  Wa r ,  Internment  Camps  and  Gibralta r  Camp,  Jamaica.

       born  in  a  maternity  home  in  Kingston .

       A  German  internee  dentist  looks  after  the  women' s  teeth,  spending  two  hours  twice  a  week
       for  that  purpose  in  the  woman's  camp.     Every  fortnight  the  men  can  visit  their  families
       for  two  hours .

       When  Dr.  visited  the  camp ,  he  took  the  children  on  their  first  excursion,  he  hoped  that
       such  excursions  could  in  future  be  made  more  often,  and  reported  as  follows : -
       "All  the  children,  neatly  dressed  by  their  mothers,  were  called  and  with  many  hellos ,
       loaded  into  cars  and  set  off  amid  many  good-byes  and  injunctions  by  their  mother ,  to
       behave  the.mselves .   At  the  beach  the  children  played  in  the  sand  and  the  more
       adventurous  ones  splashed  i n  the  water  and  enjoyed  it very  much .      Some  of  course  got
       very  wet.   The  fun  was  over  much  too  soon .   On  the  way  back,  not  many  children  were
       neat  and  tidy;  one  was  wet  through  and  wrapped  in  a  bath  towel .    So  we  came  back,
       delivered  the  children,  well,  if  a  bit  disheve led  into  the  arms  of  waiting  and,  in  some
       cases ,  anxious  mothers .   What  a  welcome  there  was,  what  happy  noise  of  children' s
       voices,  telling  about  their  adventures .      Then  " Uncle"  was  thanked  and  we  drove  a way,
       everybody  happy  and  thankful  the  nice  afternoon,  having  made  arrangements  f or  a  repeat
       performance  and  regular  excursions  f or  the  children . "

       Apparently  from  the  beginning  of  May  such  excursions  take  place  every  week.
       Letters  to  German  internees  in  Jamai ca  should  be  put  in  t he  post  with  the  following
       address :-
       Surname,  Christian  name,
        Internment  Camp,  Kingston
       Jamaica ,  British  West  Indies.
        Postage  free .

       The  German  Post  Office  will  give  advice  about  airmail  to  internees  in  Jamaica ,  which
        is  also  possible .

        Presents  for  the  internees  can  be  sent  through  the  German  Red  Cross ,  Comforts  for  the
       Troops  Department,  Potsdam-Babelsberg  2 .        Forms  available  from  the  German  Red  Cross.
       There  is  confirmation  from  the  camps  in  Jamaica  that  such  parcels  have  been  received .

        You  can  only  write  to  internees  if you  know  the  exact  address.      If  not,  or  in  case  of
       doubt,  apply  to  the  Foreign  Office,  Berlin  W  8,  Kronenstr  10,  who  have  lists  of  all
        the  civil  internees  in  Jamaica .

        Due  to  troubled  postal  connection,  which  extend  to  official  correspondence  with
        representatives  of  the  Supervisory  Powers ,  it more  than  ever  the  duty  of  every  single
        relative  of  an  internee  to  inform  the  Foreign  Office ,  Berlin  W  8,  Kronenstr  10,  of  any
        information  of  general  interest  which  he  may  receive .      This  would  enable  the
        Supervisory  Powers  or  the  International  Committee  of  the  Red  Cross  to  take  any  necessary
        steps  immediat ely,  and  to  issue  reports  like  this  present  one .
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