Page 38 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_PoW
P. 38

                         Prisoner  of War ,  Internment  Camps  and  Gibralta r  Camp ,  Jamaica.

        WIC  2.   Typed  covers.

           Typed  covers  bore  the  same  details  as  the  manscript  items .

           One  of  two  cover  from  Anne-Marie  Weinberg,  the  first  to  South  Africa  with  typed  name
        and  address  on  the  flap  and  Written  in  English .     The  second  of  her  covers  was  to  New
        York;  both  covers  bear  Postal  Censorship  hanbdstamps,  PC  2,  Number  6  struck  in  purple
        ink.    Both  covers  are  franked  at  1/-,  the  first  cover  is  dated  the  3 rd  March,  1942,  the
        second  example  bears  an  indecipherable  date .

           The  covers  show  that  by  the  dates  they  were  typed  the  Camp  had  not  received  the  later
        handstamps,  and  both  covers  were  charged  1/- postage  in  the  absence  of  any  markings
        authorizing  free  postage.      Prisoner  of  War  mail  that  have  attracted  postage  are  rare,  as
        often  the  postal  clerks  "allowed"  the  mail  to  pass  post  free  on  seeing  that  a  letter  was
        from  a  prisoner  of  war.

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                          BY  AIR  MA l L

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                                          BY  AIR  MAlL
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