Page 40 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_PoW
P. 40

                         Prisoner  of  War,  Internment  Camps  and  Gibra.lta.r  Camp ,  Jamaica.

        WIC  3 .   Handstamped  covers .
           The  third  group  of  covers  were  those  created  once  the  Camp  Orderly  Room  received  the
        various  hanstamp s ,  all  of  which  were  struck  in  purple  ink .
        EKD :                                                     LKD :

           Cover  from  Mrs.  M.  Uleth,  Internme nt/Camp/Kingston  Jamaica/B . W. I .  endorsed  on  the
        flap ;  the  obve rse  bears  Written  in  German,  prisoner  - mail  together  with  Trans  -
        Atlantic  - Air  Mail  and  the  address  all  these  endorsements  being  in  ink .      The  cover
        bears  POW  8  handstamp  struck  in  purpl e  ink,  probably  one  of  the  first  handstamps  to  be
        received  by  the  Camp .    The  un- franked  cover  to  Germany  also  bears  D/5  Postal  Censorship
        handstamp  also  struck  in  purple  ink .

            Before  leaving  discussion  of  these  two  camps  there  is  set  out  below  a  translation
        from  a  Report  by  a  Swiss  Supervisor .   The  Report  covers  conditions  in  Surinam  and
        Curacao,  but  only  the  comments  on  Jamaica  are  reproduced  below.


        On  the  situation  of  Germans  in  the  British  West  Indies  {Jamaica}.

        The  Germans  in  Jamaica .
        Except  for  a  small  number  of  Germans  formerly  resident  in  Jamaica ,  there  are  many
        German  seamen  (especially  men  passed  on  to  the  British  by  Dutch  authorities  on  Curacao}
        and  many  hundreds  of  German  men ,  women  and  children  (including  those  civilians  passed
        on  to  the  British  by  the  French  in  French  Cameroons}  who  have  been  brought  to  Jamaica
        and  interned .

        In  the  men' s  camp  there  are  over  700  Germans  and  some  250  Italian  civilian  internees :
        in  the  women' s  camp ,  85  German  women  and  46  children .
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