Page 39 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_PoW
P. 39

                        Prisone r  of War ,  Internment  Camps  and  Gibraltar  Camp ,  J amaica .
           Mention  has  already  been  made  of  letters  bei ng  allowed  between  the  husbands  and
        wives  of  the  Pri soners  and  below  is  a  cover  to  the  Women' s  Camp,  from  J.  Berger,
        Prisoner  No.  471.     The  reverse  bears  POWC  3  dated  the  29~ June ,  1942.


           An  example  of  a  cover  from  the  Red  Cross  Message  Bureau,  Kingston  to  Geneva  i s
        shown,  it is  franked  at  2/2d  with  Kingston  dater  of  the  8 th  October  with  the  year
        plug  omitted .   It  bears  Coupon  reponse  handstamp  in  red,  indicating  a  reply  coupon
        was  enclosed  for  a  reply.    It also  bears  0/5  handstamp  of  the  Jamaican  Postal
        Censorship  Service  and  on  the  reverse  German  Military  re-sealing  label  and  red
        handstamp  of  the  Paris  Office  of  the  Oberkommando  der  Wehrmacht .        The  Bureau
        assisted  in  enquiries  regarding  the  whereabouts  of  prisoners  and  internees .

                                       Red  Cross  Message  Btlreau,

                              2  PORT  RO'\'AL  STREET,  KINGSTON,  JAMAICA,  B. W.l.

                               +           Comit' In~eraatio'Ul de  la Crow-. .... ~

                                                 ~ala 4u Oo.se11  Gene
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