Page 37 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_PoW
P. 37

                       Pris oner  of Wa r ,  Internment  Camps  and  Gi bra1tar  Camp ,  Jamaica .

           After  the  family  units  were  completed  at  Up  Park  Camp,  they  and  t he  rest  of  the  Camp,
       were  guarded  by  the  Local  Defence  Force  and  the  Gibraltarian  Pioneer  Corps,  the  numbers
       in  the  units  having  dwindled  due  to  the  release  of  Italians  on  capitulation  of  Italy,
       and  the  subsequent  release  and  return  to  normal  life  of  the  Germans  who  had  been
       naturalized  but  who  had  been  interned  during  the  wave  of  anti  German  hysteria  in  the
       early  days  of  the  war .

           Correspondence  from  Hanover  Camp  is  scarcer  than  that  from  the  Camp  but  the  ladies
       had  to  follow  the  same  regulations  as  the  men,  their  correspondence  also  falls  i n t o
       three  stages;  first  manuscript  endor sements ,  then  typed  and  finally  handstarnps .       To  date ,
       no  examples  of  postal  stationery  has  been  recorded  used  from  Hanover  Camp,  but  there
       seems  to  be  no  reason  why  they  should  not  exist .

       WIC  1 .   Manusc ript  covers.

           As  mentioned  all  the  endorsements  are  in  manuscript,  except  for  the  handstarnps  of  the
        Postal  Censorship  Service  which  often  appear  as  there  are  no  other  censorship  markings .
        EKD :  19 41                                             LKD:

           Cover  from  Hanover  Camp,  the  "flap"  reading  Liza  Kunth-Meyneke/Women's  Internment
       Camp/Jarnaica ,  Kingston .    Addressed  to  Buffalo,  U. S.A.  in  manuscript  the  cover  is
        un- franked  and  although  there  is  no  authorization  as  to  free  postage  the  cover  appears
        to  have  gone  post  free .
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