Page 47 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_PoW
P. 47

                         Prisoner  of  War ,  Internment  Camps  and  Gibraltar  Camp ,  Jamaica.

        GC  2 .   GIBRALTAR  CAMP .
            The  first  dater  used  at  the  Camp.Pfost  Office ~a~h: ::~r~~g:a~;~~~cd:~e~h:o~~~~om,
         GIBRALTAR  CAMP  in  3mm  high  sans  ser1  type  aroun         .    .                t •   1    The
                                      ·   1    ·   1    26mm  and  16mm  1n  d1ameter  respec  1ve  Y·
         both  within  t wo  singl e  c1rc  ehc1rlc  es ,  d  below  a  two  figure  year  plug,  often  omitted,
         centre  comprises  day  and  mont  p  ugs  an                                    .   bl  k  .  k
         It  is  known  with  central  plugs  transposed  and  the  dater  is  struck  1n      ac  1n  .
                                                                   LKD:  19  February  1 947
         EKD :  10  May  1943

           Cover  to  England  bearing  GC  2  dated  the  27th  July,  1943 .

                                                                                AIR  MAIL



             In  respect  of  registered  mail  from  the  Camp  the  Post  Office  used  registration  labels
          bearing  the  Camp's  name.    The  one  shown  below  is  in  the  normal  format  to  others  used  by
          the  Pos t  Office,  the  name  being  in  blue  block  sans  serif  type,  2  x  22mm.   It  is  also
          r ecorded  that  there  are  at  least  two  other  labels ,  one  reading  CAMP  GIBRALTAR  instead
          of  GIBRALTAR  CAMP  and  another  by  using  a  label  intended  for  the  village  of  GIBRALTAR
          which  is  amended  by  adding  the  word  Camp  before  the  name.
          EKD:  12  January  1943                                   LKD:  24  October  1943

             Cover  to  the  U. S .A.  with  GC  1  dater  of  the  12  January,  but  no  year  plug,  sent  in  1943
          as  evidenced  b y  New  York  REG.  SEC .  dater  on  the  reverse.   The  cover  is  franked  at  6d .
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