Page 82 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 82

A to z Colleet.ion .

                               L. Barri ngton eo. - AS NEAR AB YOUR MAIL BOX.

    Reoistered redirected cover frOQ Half Way Tree to the U. S. A. rra~ked on the reverse at
60. with Kdf W~y Tree <later of 27 July 1948. At the bottom left is ll c:llrtoon figure
posting a letter in a mail box and the wording AS NEAR AS YOUR MAIL BOX.

                               ~ . Barri ngton SAith eo. - Co ntents : postage stamps.

    Registered cover from Holf Woy ~rc:c: to Brit i sh Guia~a, !ra nked on the r ever se at Sd,
with Half way Tree dater of 22 September 1948 . ~he l eft hand sid e ot the cover has the
statement content s ; posta ge s tamps. Not/dutiabl e . Not .:s\.lbj ect to lOc/c::ustom. tee . May l>e
opened. All in black print.

                          rpM.. '  -

~ RNo 7999
IIALfWAY TIE£' )             J • A . Alen.nder

- -- '                                         P.O. Box 266,
                                                    Geor getovn ,

                                      BRITISH OO IA-'IA.

Conter t s : po' t"'5"' stamps. Not                                A i rt:'l8 11 •
dut~ab)e. .Not sutjecL f.o tof cus-

tom {ee . <Ji/bay be ope ned. .
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