Page 87 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 87

~ eo Z Collection.
    S~lar Qu.en Elizabeth 11 ~ wrapper to the itea overleat but without the V1a Alr
Nail ,._.n.dataa;p and ! by a.n addi.Uonal "'d st.alllp. The wrapper h !rea H.a.lf Way !'ne
to th4 u.s. •. with ~lf Way Thr. . ~ter ot 11 ~anuary !9S1 and differ• froa th~ previ~s
!tes •• tba word •8AAGAJNs• is now in ~xed bl~t sans serif t~ w1thln a !ra=e.

                       ·-_ ...........

                        r1r, a.,B.A. RF.ll'(;!'"~: IIMl'll OOMPAB!•

                               roo~ Ottl. . Box Ill •

                        h.AIU'nw. p,o,.
                         ,_!I.'IAl~A q ...!-• U...

     Reqi•tered print~ AIR MAIL reply cover f~om Half way ~rea to the u.s.A. fre~~ed on
 the reverie at 2/4d with Hal! way Tree O.ters of 11 March 19~8. Undar the fir= name

oppear• the wordtng Whole$alera ot Poataqe sta~$ 1n black aixed ••rif type .

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   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92