Page 84 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 84

A to z COl~&etion.

                                   L. BARRINGTQN SMI'J:H CO. - South•rn Rhod•sia.

    Cover from Half Wfty Tree to the U. $ . A. franke~ at ld with Half Way Tr~e dat~r or
12 September 1955 . At the top left is an illustr~tion of ~ 2d Ahode~i~n sta~~ below
t he firm and address with the wording below Postage for Collections

              l. BARRINBTOI SMITH CO.

                           Po•telll!'e Stamp• for CoUeetion•

                          127 Hoqley Park Road,
                     Hall-Way-Tree, P.O., la., B.W.I.


                                                                           .. ·~ ' ...• t l Shop
                                                                    1021 ·~tit 16':.h .,.,';.r:tJ~.

                                 .' .r • l "'~ •
                                                          'I' ......

                       L. BARRINGTON SMcrTK eo . - cover with panel ror aender'a uae

    Hint return cover printed in black with a panel to the left for the scnd•r' s na~
and 4ddress and the fir~• s name and address and worded Postage stamps for collections .
May be opened/for inspecdon . Not dutiabla . All in black mixed seri! type .

•1~,., I .. 'i •"'!•I

l    I
     I CONiiNIII
     I'         &   ~•  •>~     Postaae stamps for (:Oilectionl. May bt opmrd

                Q       t:      for iaspcc&ion. Not dutiable-.

                 I              L. RARRINGTON SMITH Co.

   {•I I II' 1                                   12'7 HAGLEY PARK ROAD.
I ~ .. .H. - j...I                                     HALF-WAY-TREE P.O.,
    ~    .•~:;  ~   t   !••  I                                      J AMAICA. B.W.J.

     ~          c   ~   ~
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89