Page 81 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 81

A to Z Collection.

    Reqlat•c•d cover fraa Half Way Tr•• to th• U.5.A. franked ·~ 6d with Half way Tree
d.~•r of 29 April 1948. A~ the bott~ .ett 1s a state~nt a• to the ~ENTS o f che
c:over and the atatftlll!.nt that they are not 6\.ltlable.

From ·


          127 H,AGLEY PARK ROAD,

llt.Lr-WAY-TREE P.O., ,~''WCA. B.W.I.

r.. - -- ·i, ~·g&1 ,1"S'· ,


                       CON n N TS :              l..r . t . u. l•e't t:\o.rn ,
                                                 1702 ' ••·•rk St . S'Jutb .
POI\I&e $111mps for colloc-lu)n5. May be Ol)(ne  Jt . Pet-ers Jtlr.rr ,
for inspechon. No1 <luliabk. Nol 'ubjec1 to
10 ce.nt!l cu~~om fee.                           .r'l~rtd¥ ,

                                                 TJ . J. A . ,


        L. 8ard.ngton aaic.h CO. - Mount 1'\aji.

    cover fr~ Half way 'iree to Enqland, tu.nked at 'fd, the cover Mv1~ been redirec~ed,
vlth Helt way Tree dater of 28 June 1941. The lett hand side or the cover has an sketch

drawtnq of Mount FUji in black 1nt.

!l ..,_...,.,
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