Page 77 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 77

A to z COl l e ction .

              Barrington s s1th - Naw Constituti on .

                                                 Regl$tered alr mail cover depicting the
                                                 bible, the Union JAck And the products
                                                of Jamaica. Above ~he design appears
                                                 the wording "TH£ ~EW CONSTITUTIONff ~nd
                                                  below ~A HOPE FOR A BETTER JAMA.ICA~
                                                 both i n red Dlock $er1f type . The
                                                 cover has FIRST DAY OF !SSU~ printed in
                                                larqe red serif type a~ the tcp and
                                                 bears the tull set or the ~ew
                                                 Cons~itution issue. The cover bc~rs
                                                 Kingston registration dater of ~he 20
                                                 August 1945.

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   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82