Page 75 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 75

A to Z Col l eetion.
                                                   Ba.rri ngton - IGIOWN/ AROOND '!'HE/WORLD

     Cover from Hal f ~ay Tree to the U.S.A. !ranked at 3d with Half Hay Tree d4ter o!
10 January, the year being omitted . Th~ cover has been censor~d Qy the U. S . A.
Censorship s~rvice . At the bottom left is depicted a globe of the world with t he
wording KNOWN/ AROUND TflE/WORLO in thin blue sans serif type .


            1•• n.,tuuNGTo:-.- S .MIT u C o .

                   / 127 HAGLEY PARK RD. ,

                                     MALt:". W A V . TAEE , P O .
                                         <JAM A tCA, 8 W I.

                                                               P OSTM AST ER:

                                                                                  If tiNUfll\t::lolt t• f'r \~r J(r;ttk\; '('() \\ 111.,.111
                                                                             Xu Rntll' I'Ql>T,\c.l! t-.;ECP.S"'\Jt\' l'~~o >f..>( WWI"H
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                                                  Darrington Bai th - En g'land. and VIC'I'ORY .

    Cover ShOMi n9 an outline map o! the Un ited ~inqdom and displayi n9 the union jack and
the letter ~v~ ~nd ~vN in morse code on ono limb and VICTORY in thin block type on the
other . The cover i s !rom H~lf way Tree to London and i~ franked by Halt way Tree dater
of S february, t he year omitted.
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