Page 71 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 71

A to z Col~ection .

                                                   Barri n9ton Smi.tb - Official. Recei-pt .

    Receipt from sarrington s~th acknowledqin9 receipt ot 30c from an American client

which la dated 4 Mar~~ 1943.

No.. . ·.:,;.;'c  FULFILJ MENT OF YOUR CASH ORDER                 . ·..:..: . .. A ....: .. .194. ...•
                          ParkBy~L. ·BA~~R~R-I~NaGyTTO;N:S;M·~I·T~H~::.:~~.·/.'~-·/:f'/~"3!~

.. ~127To: M Y-
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  Town..~. ~~·~_:1: .....State.. . ~ . .Coun~. ~{·;.. ...

;,•W .T,L.--.L ;i~1%:0:J~-="- 0 r• oMC!' ·.;/,";"~;',. w~ ~"-d-il :•:!n~ G.:; officiai.iieeei.pbt 'il~·. /~.d.>•.:...».-.N...i..~..~ ibiS.;,.;,:

We CUAJWn'EG thio order to sa!Wy you. If no~ oomp!etely sati~um aame intact by regiat.ertd mail within S

daya and we will &end another lot. We have credited your a fe...  . , .and will&elld the balance of the atampo
within ......... ~..... days. Futuro Ord.,.. Weloomed.

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