Page 72 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 72

A to z Col 1ection.

                                                  Barri nqton Saitb - GCXC) t«)RNNNG

    Patriotic va~time ~ George Vl vrapper from Halt way Tree to the u.s.A. with Halt Way
Tree O.ter of 9 ~une; the year plug. 1943; belng oeutted. Within • •in9le line traae.
4~ X ~lna b a patriotic ae..age ~ncing GOOD MORNING 1/trc:a THE W&ST INDIA.~ COLLECTOR
in •1xed black type.

                                                                       L. BARRINGTON SMITH

    Registered air mail cover fro. Half Way Tree to the U.S.A. franked at 2/- on the

obver•• and Jd on the reverse vith Halt ••Y Tree doters ot 26 June 1943. The eover bear•

the fir.. name and addrC$$ •t th• top left in aixed 9ceen ink.

(t) RR NG:"ON SMITH                          ~

('I    ••.....LP 'NA'r TftriE            BY AIR MA IL
              .....~u Lw
  CC'                                          1

-:.1 1\ALFW~Y TREE
                               •     '
---.. R ·-No9238                      '

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