Page 79 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 79

A to z collect ion .

                                            Barrington Smith - :!asy CredJ. t Pa}'1Mnt Pl an.

         Cover from Half Way Tree to England tranked at ~ with Half Way Tree dater ot
23 January 1941 The ~over bear$ th~ firm• ~ name and address above a cartoon anQ below
~aoy, am I happy ! Smith's easy-payment/~redit plan $Ol ves my Stamp-COllecting/probl«m$u
and again below, Form M/10/46/MP all in mixed gr~en serif type .

kt'IUrJI in &n ·t to·.


        127 Hagley P&.rk Road,

  ka.UW&Jtree P.O., Jamaica, B.W.t.

          - -~-' ~e'., ;v.1. !' .                 l.t, Borrowa,

                                                   l8 New Yol'k Cot

                                                  Cherleswol ' t b ,

llm·, am I llllf'/11' 5mill,-t carr p.1rrm:'lt

~"tllil·pfon {Jil  nt1 Stump ('QJ/t'( tin•Y


                                       L. BARRXNOTON SM7~H Co . - PLEASE 8& PATIENT !

    cover from Half Way Tree to the U. S . A. franked at 3d with Ha l f Way Tree dater o f
4 oetober 1947 , at the top left in red mixed type appears the request ~PLEAS£ BE
PATt&NT !N and setting out reasons for the delay~ all within a single line orn~te Cra~e .

    Yc11.1r onkr~ ~A>lll ooc be 1111«1
    promptly; COrt'«Jl<lnlknce will

  fbe dclll)«<: )'Otl m•1dt1 eH~Il liud

     ${1\0.-dU~ nh'JU:d up 'o'llh YCII.U

     )tant:;'l~. lti:ISrnuc-h a~ 'fll'e did1te

I !lhc~ <:ondiliUon!' ounel~cll \\-C:
I··-a.Mot :~void them.. nnd )'Our
    {lllhence i\ 11-~ked- ~A>I'u!e our l'ltw.  ~
   enl;ute<J OlliOe l~ uDIJ~:I' w.,.
    SU~tOI'I, Wlt«< thi~ e complctl'd             Dt:' Pb111p E. Rte&, M. D. ,
    ww: 1•opc h• tn~dn SI!R\'ICF
                                                    40} E•at Glendal e
      liO:OIId 10 nDTIC.                                Gl entialo,
          --· --~                                            Arizona,

L. BARRIHGTON SMITH Co.,                                                U. S . A.


Ha.tfwayt rcc P.O. JAMAICA,

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