Page 78 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 78

A 1;0 z COll·ecti.on.

                             S.rrington Salth - W1: AJU! GOING/TO SENl) YOt.J/SCMB'I'BING !

         Cover from H~ lf way Tree to England !ranked at ~ with H~lf way Tree dater of
January 194~. T~e cover bears the wording we ARE GOI~G/TO SEND YOU/SOM£THING in blue
block serif type at the top left corn•r of the cover and the name and address at the
bottom left in mixed blue type . The company i s now described as "WHOLESALERS ot POSTAGe
STAMPS AND TROPICAL NOVELTIES in blue mixed serif type .

  ' --


          From :-


                                    HA~F-WAY-TREE P.O., JAMAICA, B.WJ.

                              L . BAIUUNG'!'ON SMITH Co . - DISTI\IDUTORS 0!' TROPICAL NOVE:LTI ES

    Cover from Kingston to the U.S.A. franked at ~ with Kingston dater ot 3 March 19,6,
the cover be~rs illustraticn of a hardwood pot with lid at the top lett and ~Here' s t he
catalog you asked tor ! Ln Olack mixed $CCif type to the left of the post box.

Onto/ r... W" fiJ MIQ MI ilnl't 1flo ' " " l~~,y, M..J1 ,j

,..,.,.,.., J.,w.iuV>oJ £1JJ.4Mli unr 1<1"" f"Poi-tA.i/Jrt"·  -

v;Y:s~YI¥' 'J._._ '" 1 ''" w•·


             Olnii.I. IJTOIU 01' T'II.OPIC\t. I'IOVfUIU
Jl7 JlAGtJ,;Y P.-Mit 110,..01 IUt.ll w.- y Tll.l l 1'.0 . U .. II.W .L
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83