Page 90 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 90

A to Z COllection.

                                                       L. BARJ\INGTON SM:ITH CO. - A:tRMA.Ilot.

    Cover from Kal r ••Y TtH to £~qla~d franked on the reverie at 1/lOd vi~h Half Way Tre•

dater or 14 S•ptembcr 1962. The cover bears the word AIRMAIL in black block
serif type.

Ple- ....turn it uneell..,..,d to:                AI I I A I L

L. MRilr"G':'Cii :arre 0 • ,
Poat crrioe ~m. :u.,

IWJ'WAl'l'RilB PO&:' Oi'YICJ! •
J .UW:CA , WESr IPDlli:l .

                         llr. A.K. Mt.,_

                                   la'IIuD•EuLT.  ~.


                                   ep4CIC Cm Pl<l l =tpsOu a ,

                                   IW'RlNGTON SMITH. CO . - P'OSTAG£ STAMPS NOT WI'1A8L£.

    Re9istered Air MAil cover t~ Half Way Tree to £nq1and ft•nked on the reverse at
1/lOd with U•U way Tree daten of 21 septelll>ere 1962. Tl\e cover bears a st•te~ent as to
the content• •nd the Customs Duty position.

L. BIAAINC.TOt: SIJI'l'l~ CO,,                    A lj!MAIL
Poat Ortioo Box la,

HALJII.llTIU:E p .o.'
JAM.UCA. 1ll!S'1' Jm>Ill&,

•:••••••• •o ••• • ••• •• •••••~
~ i-.eg1.atered lio.            ~


             I'OliW:B sraP.I, iiOf WMAil.l, III.Y BB OP!ff!D 10R
a.u liiBPIICTICII, U' thU :Wtter 11 taxed. 1~ an

""'7 ope:> - io tiMI - - ot a Poatal Clerk ooul
1•t 7Wr    l ll; b...t,  ~'l1WI.ia iolla'utJNUonUst.a.D>,!To•l     'l'h:  X•·  62ll
,..,. tbo  Poat..&ater                                          •
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95