Page 30 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 30

A to Z Collection.

                                                                      8T AI• MAIL/ PAR AvtON.

    Re91•tered cover from Hon~eqo a.y to the U.S.A. vi~h Kon~e90 . .y dAter of 25 M•rch
1911 •nd IY AtR!Q.IL;;p. 3 x 30.. &nd below PA..!t AVION 3 X 2,.. WHh1n a Slngle
line fr~-e. 15 x 4tm.. all s~ruck in purple in~.

                                                   ILL A.

     s~cond re9i1ter~ co~•r fr~ Kont.go a&y to Jersey with Montevo 8ay No l dater of
21 rebru.ry 1979 and the s~ BY AIRKAlL/PAR AVION h•nd3t.-p •l•o ltruek tn purple ink.

                               BY AIRMA'L
                                PAR AVION

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                         r-;;;4-'j1 Jkh-~<M
   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35