Page 33 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 33

A to z collection. .

                                                                                    AIR MAIL.

    Regtater~ cover !rom Kingston to Chicago with Kinglton d•t•r et 1 July 1970 wich
AlR MAIL~ ~ x 54ma, in blac k block ser~f t ype .


                                                                 SU!Tl!: 15115

                                                                 C18h0icaN6oor ,thai1_\b~:~ AYe nue

                                                                                          0 lJ.S. A. 60601'

R " 'to&(:.SlOM
     No 1957

       Re;i1tered cover troa K1ngsto~ to Chica90 with Klngtton dater et 3 August
1972 Vlth AIR HAIL, S x 54~. also in black block aerlt type.

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J t - ,·1 t<:,SB•t "' AI<



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