Page 32 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 32

A to ~ Collect.ion,

                                                      BY PAR AVION/AIR MAIL.

    Registered cover from Oeho Rios eo Chicaoo with Oc~o R1oa 4ater of 14 February with
the year, 19?1, o.icced. The cover bears PAR AVION. 3 x 2e~. ln block sans s~rif type
and below AIR MAIL, 6 x 4~. in block serif type: the whole enclo•ed by a sinqle line
!r~. 18 x 46a, •nd la struck 1n purple ink.


        Reqtstered cover !ros Byndloss to Ch1cago with Byndloae ~ter of the 21 .~ril
1912 with AIR HAIL, 9 x 48~. in block sans serif type.



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