Page 34 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 34

A to z colt~
        ~eql•tered cover fro. Gte9ory Park to Chie.go with Gre9ory P•rt dater of

12 Dece.ber 1912 wi~h ~R HAlL. 10 x 60aa. the ~H- with •played 1eg•~ in black block ••n•

serU typ41.

    s~l•r registered cover to the one above with Hay Pen deter or 20 May 1914 .

                      Dt!LROY BYFIELD

                   &~W DENoiCH DIST .

                      HAY Pl"ll PA, JAltAICA
                      Wi!ST IliDIES

   [RINoo6s? l U.I.A.
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