Page 31 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 31

A to I Co1lection.

                                                                   aT A:Ut ~I:L/ PAR AVION.

    Cover troa Spanish 7own ~o the U.S.A. wi~h Span!sh Town O.ter of 3 ~reh 1911 and
YlA AlJt MAIL h&ndstae:p. 6 x 31t=~ in blociC sans serif type •truck in purple ink:. Tt-.e
sa.e alr ~11 hands~a:p a lso appears on the reverse of the cover.

                         MARK W. SWETLAND

                             102 WOODlAND ROAD

                             MADISON, N. J. 079~0

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    Req•a:ered cover !rcg Greqory Park to Chica9o with Greqory Park deter of 28 September
1911 with AIR MAIL. a x s~. 1n black block sans serif type.

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