Page 26 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 26

A eo ! Colle~tion .

                                        AI R Ml'.llo .

Req1•tered cover !roe spani•h town to Chicago. !ranked on the reverse •~ l8c, the

•t~ cence;led by SpL~sh Town d•tera of 10 ~ebruary 1910 and Ch1caqo rece!Yln9 dater
••r.•of 12 r~bruary :910. The cover bear• AIR HAIL hand$ta.p in block
                                                                          ••rif ~ype.

12 x SO.. W1th!n a 1in;le line tr. . ., 12 x $0.., struck in bla~k Ink .

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    $~1lar reqistered cover from King•ton to Chicaqo also fran~ed •~ 1/9d the s~.mps
cancelled by Spanish Town dater of 19 June ~970 . The cover bear• the •ame AIR MAIL
hand•tamp •• the one shown above.


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