Page 24 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 24

A to Z COlleetion .

                                                                               AIR MIUL.

    Cover rroa Kingston to Chicago. tranted at 2/id, th~ ~t•~• cane.lled by Kingston
dater of 2 Septecber 1967. The cover bear• AIR~~~ ha~~a.p in bl~k a.n~ $Crif type,
2 x ~'--~ •truck ln purple lnt.



                             a, .......

                                     ILL A.

    ~•911tered cover fro~ constant Sprin9 to Chicago ~~aai franked on the reverse at

1/9d with Con•tant Sprinq dater• ot 27 Auquat 1969. The cover beara AIR MAIL ~dstamp

in block ••rif type. 5 x samm, which la atruck in black 1nt. The cover also bears M/a
endoraetnent 1n 1nt "YIA/A!R/MAU...




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