Page 25 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 25

A to z colleceion.

                                                                   AIR K\IL.

     Cover troa Xinqston to Chicago, franked ac l/9d, the at~ cancelled by Kings~on
deter of 1 Auqus~ 1969. The cover b4•r• AIR ~~L handst~ 1n block •ans ser1r ~ype.

S x 48. ., struck Ln black ink.

    No 6 5 01

               IlL A.

    R~91htered cover froa ltingaton to Ch1n90 funk_, .at l/9d the et&lq)t c.ant:elled by
Kingston dater ot 1~ July 1969. The cover bears AIR MAIL handatamp Ln block serif type,
$ x 4~. struck in black ink. Thil cover Ja simila r to the one •bove.

   J< ::u r;.:s na ..•-I-

...... M"A'Q& !.,,~ ~ :J/-

            1111-C...... A_

                         a..... .,.. . .

                                   IlL A.
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30