Page 23 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 23

A to Z Coll.ction.

                                                                                 A.IIt NUL.

    Poa~ c•rd from Kont~go Bay ~o !nQl&nd, franked at 9d, the tt~• c~celled by Hontc9o
Bay dater ot l ~y 1963. The card ~art AIR MAIL handsc~ 1n h•avy block san~ ser~t

type. 6 x 38. ., struck in p~rple 1nK.

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    Cov.r· ftoa Honte9o S.y to H1.-1 franked at l/- v1t-h HO:'It~o S.y dat•r of l December
1966. The cov•r bears A:R ~L ~ndtta=p in sans serif block t~, 6 x lama, vhich it
struck in blue ink .

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