Page 22 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 22

A to r. Collection.

    ke'9Uter~ cover froa lti.nq•"ton to Lelcuter, &ngland, franhd •t 21- c:.anc:elled by
K1n9•ton reqiltratlon date~ o! 24 F•bru.ry 1964. T~~ cover bear• AlR ~IL handstaMp in
bloet aerif t~. 4 x 31~~ ~truck in purple ink.


                                           BY AIR MAIL
                                            PAP A\. I Cl\,


               GEORGE ODOM, L TD..

                                                                         E NGLAN D.

    Reqiateted cover from King•ton to Ch1caqo franked at l/6d Wltb kin9•ton dater ot
30 A~9uat 1966 and on t .he reverse Chicavo receiving daters of 1 Sapte~r 1966. The
cover ~•r• AIR MAlL handstamp in aana aerif bl~k type. ~ x 3~. which is struck
1n purple ink .

        ., ~~,.~

         .S.i.t....5./.4..~.... :11-·


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