Page 90 - Derek Seaton Jamaica Display at BWISC 2006 Oct
P. 90

-((A40J)_ _ _ _ _ ~

Owing to the closure of the offices at Ewarton, Little River and Montpelier, the Jamaican postal
authorities, in November 1862, re-allocated the numbers between A38 and A59, so that Gayle was
now A40 instead of A4 l. This Jamaican U.P.U. card to London was posted on April 15th 1892
and received early in May. It is now cancelled with A40 and with a Foreign Branch postage due

of Id. as the rate for a card was l Y2 d.

The stamp below shows the improper use of a GB stamp in Jamaica - GB stamps were not to be
used there after August 1860 and this 6d. stamp was not issued until 1869.
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