Page 89 - Derek Seaton Jamaica Display at BWISC 2006 Oct
P. 89
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It is a pity this cover is of poor quality as it carries a nwnber of interesting handstamps. On the reverse there is a stamp similar to the
heading except the letter 'N' is substituted for the 'L' and this was used at the Foreign Branch in London to indicate insufficient foreign
postage, together with a Clarendon (P8) stamp dated October 23rd 1866 and a London receiver dated November 12th.

On the front is a Jamaican 1/- (wmk. 'pineapple') adhesive with a smudged 'A35' for Clarendon, a Kingston transit dated October 24th'
a London 'more to pay', another Clarendon (P8), a manuscript 2/- indicating a double rate letter (at this time the rate was 1/- per Yi oz.)

together with two charges in manuscript- both scribbled through- and finally, a rectangular box with 'short paid' and 'fine' and a 1/6

charge. To date, I have been unable to discover where this rectangular handstamp was used.
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