Page 27 - Derek Seaton Jamaica Display at BWISC 2006 Oct
P. 27

I acquired this CO\•er \\bile under the impression that the ·More-To-Pay ·mark \\as a Jamaican
instruction. \\hereas the similar Jamaican mark has all the sloping serif capitals the same size. and
this "!vfore-To-Pay· mark \\as applied at Halifax. Pity!

This letter was written on February 5th 1849, transiting Kingston 2 days later, and then carried by

the feeder senice to St. Thomas and then Bermuda, where it caught the mailboat ·osprey'. There

is a Quebec mark for an unidentified date in March, with a Newmarket receiver dated April 2°d.

In manuscript there is 'paid 8d.' in red and a revised charge of 2/91/z (for mail carried

betweenl201 & 1300 miles). The recipient has noted that the letter was answered on May l 5

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