Page 22 - Atmore_PH_QV
P. 22

                                               Land of\X'ood and \Vater

                                                :  New Colour Scheme

                 In 1883, it was recognised that the colours of certain Jamaican stamps did not comply with those
               established by the Postal Union for certain key denominations.  A new colour scheme was proposed in
              August 1883 and was duly approved on 2thNovember 1883.  However, due to the financial imperative
                     to exhaust existing stocks, the proposal was not implemented, in its entimy, Wlti11890.

                Top row: the existing colour scheme, as in effect in August 1883, on Watermark Crown CC paper.
                                       Yl<i- claret  Id- blue  2d- rose  6d- mauve
                             Bottom row: the new colour scheme, on watermark Crown CA paper.
                February/March 1885:  Yl<i- yellow green  Id- rose  2d- grey  October 1890:  6d- deep yellow

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                 1886 (61h Jan) patent registered envelope, from Kingston to Bristol.  Franked with 2 x 4d and new
                colour scheme Id pair and 2d - a total of 1/-, i.e. 8d postage (loz rate of 1879), plus 4d registration
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