Page 25 - Atmore_PH_QV
P. 25

                                               Land of Wood and Water

                                         .,....  ..- -  .... ,.. .. -        -~·-
                                          Reduction in Registration Fee, June 1893  ~

                 The UK Registration Fee of 4d, authorised for use in the colonies in January 1862, was adopted in
                    Jamaica c.1866.  It remained in force until June 1893, at which point it was reduced to 2Yzd

              1893 (1Sih Mar) cover from Kingston to New York franked Crown CA Yzd and 2 x 3d, comprising 2Yzd
                          postage (UPU rate of 1891 ), plus the 4d Registration fee in force from  1866

               1898 (21• Jun) cover front from Kingston to New Zealand, via San Francisco.  Franked Crown CA Yl<i
                  and 4d, comprising 2 Yl<i postage (UPU rate of 1891 ), plus reduced 2d Registration fee of 1893
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