Page 23 - Atmore_PH_QV
P. 23

                                               Land of Wood and Water

                                               . .,.k ·~•~ ...,,  ..,..,  _ .. _...,......:::o:r::li ~ ,  ICIIIIEI:l~~
                                        ~ Watermark Crown CA Y1<l  Used Multiples

                      The Crown CA Green enjoyed an eighteen year life during which postage rates reduced  ~
                        dramatically.  It is frequently to be found in multiples, paying a wide range of rates   ~
                     ~.•.:-.....                                                                    ~I

                                                       16 Block of6 used at Shooter's Hill
                                                       l)       in February 1898

                         Pair used at Flint River                  '·"·~·  •:
                            in February 1903
                              ....  ~

                             1895 (29"' May) cover from Kingston to New York.  Franked with five
                             Crown CA Yzd stamps paying the U.P. U. member rate of January 1891
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