Page 24 - Atmore_PH_QV
P. 24

                                               Land ofWood and Water

                The original Post Office at Lacovia, opened in 1771, was closed between 1850 and 1869 due to lack
               business.  Upon re-opening, the newly arrived "E30" obliterator was employed there, as shown on the
                                    Watermark Crown CC and Crown CA stamps below.

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               Towards the end of 1888, the "E30" obliterator and the Lacovia Type P 11 date-stamp were mislaid or
                 damaged.  An "emergency'' Type P13 date-stamp was brought into use, together with the "A64"
                obliterator previously used at Port Antonio [where the new squared-<:ircle combined date-stamp and
             ;.j  obliterator had just been introduced].  The re-allocated "A64" remained in use at Lacovia until c.1896.
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                1894 (2t• Nov) Y2<i "circular" rate cover from Lacovia to Springfield showing the re-allocated "A64"
                                                obliterator in use at Lacovia.
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