Page 17 - Atmore_PH_QV
P. 17

                                                Land of Wood and \Vater

               Upon joining the Postal Union in April 1877, the Packet rate to the British Isles was reduced from 1/-
                   to 6d per %oz, and again to 4d per Y20z in 1879.  These reductions, coupled with the excellent
                reliability and regularity of the official mail services, effectively brought an end to the "Ship Letter".

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                  The cover presented below is thought to be a unique franking of the 3d Ship Letter rate of 1863,  ~
                                  combining a single one penny with four halfpenny stamps.              k

                                 J£~ 10-r /Jwn.~

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                It shows the new "Ship Mail" hand-stamp, which replaced the two line "JAMAICA/SHIP LETfER"
              hand-stamp in early 1872.  The "1 W' hand-stamp denotes the proportion of the postage to be credited to
                                                  the British Post Office.
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