Page 249 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 249


                   Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries,  contd.

       Import  permits  arc  required  for  all  packets  containing  bulbs,  plants,  parts
     of plants and seeds.
       Packing:  Hay and straw must  not  be used.  Senders are advised to use shred­
     ded paper or synthetic materials.
       Origin:  Every article (except  books imported  by  or  for  the  account  of  any
     public  library  or  library  association)  capable  of  being  stamped,  branded  or
     labelled  at  the  time  of  its  manufacture,  without  suffering  damage,  must  be
     conspicuously  and  indelibly stamped  or  branded and so on,  in  English charac­
     ters with an indication of the country of origin.

       Invoice:  Each  article  containing an  invoice  shall  be  marked  on  the  address-
     side  “Invoice enclosed".  If the  invoice cannot conveniently  be enclosed  within
     a sealed article, it may be securely attached to the article.
       Failure  to  comply  with  any  of the  requirements  set  forth  above  will  result
     in delay in the clearance of mail shipments tr.rough the  United  States Customs.
       Certain  articles  of foreign  origin  imported  into  the  United  States must  have
     th :  name  of the country  of manufacture  indelibly  and  conspicuously  stamped,
     cut,  engraved  or  die-sunk  on  an  exposed  part  thereof.  This  marking  may,  if
     necessary, be applied after imputation.
       Parcels valued at more than S500 must  be accompanied by a special Customs  Enquiry may be made at the United States Embassy.
       Customs Duty:  Printed  matter is subject to customs duty.
       Address: The  postcode  should be  written  to  the right-hand  side  of the  name
     of the stale.
     P; reel Post
       Surface   \ Sec Schedule of Overseas Surface and  Parcel Post Rates.
       Air       /
       Insurance:  No Service.
       Customs declaration:  1 Yellow form CP3.

       Parcels  for  U.S.A.  may  be  reg:stered.  Fee  40c.  No  indemnity  is  paid  for
     registered  parcels  lost  or  damaged  during exchange  with  the  United  States  of
     America,  (or  for any  parcel.)
       Prohibitions:  Letters;  charged  butane  gas  lighters;  contraceptives:  cotton,
     cotton  seed  and  cotton  seed  products  (cotton  goods  are  admitted);  dru.s  and
     therapeutic  products  (certain  of  these  products  are  admitted);  feather  and
     skins  of wild  birds  (except  ostrich  fe  thers);  gold  bullion  exceeding  100  U.S.
     dollars  in  value;  intoxicat ng  liquors;  potatoes,  tickets,  advertisments or  circu­
     lars of lotteri  s, circulars advertising obscene or immoral articles.

       Restrictions:  Arms;  bees;  cereals;  cigars,  cigar.ttcs  and  cheroots;  cotton
     waste and unmanufactured cctton; cream, empty butane gas lighters an I  refills,
     gold  coin;  radio-active  substances  and  articles  containing  radio-active  sub-
     st. nccs;  viruses,  serums  and  toxins.
       Imports permits  are  required  for  all  parcels  containing  bulbs,  plants,  parts
     of plants and seeds.
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