Page 254 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 254


                     Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries, contd.

       YEMEN  (Peoples Democratic Republic of) contd.
         Items subject to customs duty arc not accepted in ordinary or registered letters.
       Serums,  vaccines and  urgently  required  medicaments  arc admitted  in all cases.
         Insurance: Limit S400.  Insurance services are available at Aden,  Crater, Little
       Aden, Maalla, Mukalla, Sheikh Othman only.)
         Prohibitions: Arms and  parts thereof  (including imitation  and toy pistols and
       revolvers), sulphur, jewellery, silver platinum, gold, precious stones.
         Restrictions: Drugs.
         Parcel Post
          Surface   1
          Air       /  See Schedule of Overseas Surface and  Air Parcel Post  Rates.
         Customs declaration:  1  Yellow' form CP3.
        Insurance: Limit S400.
        Prohibitions: Letters, except one for the addressee; arms and parts thereof (in­
       cluding imitation and  toy pistols and revolvers), sulphur,  labels or woven  goods
       bearing designs in imitation of paper money; quinine coloured pink.
        Restrictions: Plants, drugs.
        Compensation  is not payable for parcels lost, stolen or damaged  or for parcels
       containing substances easy to liquefy, glass and articles of a fragile nature.
        Letter Post
          Surface   1
          Air Mail   / Sec Schedules of Letter Rates.
        Dutiable articles  may  be  sent  by  registered  letter  and  small  packet  post—up
       to  S1C0  green  label  (written  in  French  or  Yugoslav  and  English)  required;
       thereafter  top  green  label  and  form  C2/CP3.
        Articles subject to customs duty are  not  accepted in  insured  letters.
        Insurance:  Limit S460.
        Prohibitions:  Tobacco and its products.  See also  parcel  post.
        Restrictions:  Narcotics.  See also parcel post.
        Address:  If  the postcode  is  known  it  should be  written to  the left  of  the
       Post form.
        Parcel Post
          Surface   1
          Air     /  See Schedule of Overseas  Surface and  Air Parce .Post  Rtes.
        Insurance:  No Service.

        Customs  declarations:  1 form  C2/CP3  and  I  despatch  note  CP2  written  in
      French or Yugoslav and English.
        Prohibitions:  Letters; arms (except sporting guns and ammunition);  artificial
      wine essenee,  butane gas  lighters  and  refills;  cigarette  papers;  foreign  military
      uniforms;  Yugoslav  money,  tobacco  and  its  products,  cigarette papers.
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