Page 246 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 246


                     Overseas  PosI:  Foreign  Countries,  could.

       UGANDA, could.
         Packing and Marking: Parcels containing films must bear a white label boldly
       marked films in block letters.
         Address: Correspondence should include a Post Office Box Number or Private
       Bag Number in the address.
         Parcel Post
           Surface   1
           Air      /  See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel  Post Rates.
         Insurance: Limit S240.
         Customs declaration:  1 Yellow form CP3.

         Prohibitions: Letters except one for the addressee, trade and  immature spirits,
       flick knives, flick guns and gravity knives, firearms, munitions.
         Restrictions:  Accoutrements;  coin  exceeding  SIO  in  value,  dangerous  drugs,
       fresh fruits, plants and seeds; publications dealing with marriage or birth control;
       rat  virus,  and  second-hand  clothing  and  bedding  imported  for  sale,  unmanu­
       factured gold, silver and platinum  postal, franking  machines.
         Import Licences arc required for certain classes of goods.
         Packing  and Marking:  Parcels  should  be  very  strongly  packed  preferably in
       waterproof  material.  Those  containing  films  must  bear  a  white  label  boldly
       marked " films” in block letters.
         Delivery: Parcels should include a P.O. Box or Private  Bag  number in the ad­
       dress.  Parcels arc not delivered.
         Compensation is  not  payable  for  ordinary  parcels  lost,  stolen  or  damaged.
       UKRAINIAN S.S.R.—Same as Union of Soviet Soviet Socialist Republics.
       UMM AL QAIWAIN—Sec  United Arab Emirates.
       UMM SAID—See Qatar

         Letter Post
           Surface   1
           Air Mail   /  See Schedules of Letter Rates.
         Dutiable articles  may  be  sent  by  small  packet  post—up  to  SI00  green  label
       written  in  Russian or  French  and  English  required;  thereafter top  green label
       and form C2/CP3.
         Items  subject  to  customs  duty  arc  not  accepted  in  ordinary  and  registered
       letters.  Scrums, vaccines and urgently required medicaments arc admitted in all
         Items of value (c.g. coins, currency notes, gold, etc.) are not admitted in regis­
       tered letters.
         Insurance: Limit S800.
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